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Show Stop Vat Backache! 0 Those afnfc twinges, that dull t'. 'ebbing UMkkcne, n.y be warning of serious Jt idney weakness. Serious if neglected, for it might easily lead to . ,t Gravel, Dropsy or Bnght's disease. If you are suffering with a bad back look , for other proof of kidney trouble. If there are dizzy spells, headaches, a tired feeling and disordered kidney ' action, get after the cause. Help your weakened kidneys with Doan't Kidney PilU. Doan't have helped thousands and should help you. Ak your neigh- ; bort .. A Utah Case Mrs. J. 8. Horne. sii. ., Second North and IflSWl'IfT"! Second West Sts., mS With! Richfield, Utah, fif&Jr flllpE says: "I was suf- t II f TO ferine; with kidney S J5'jWssg trouble. My back A was lame all the IJ'iC!') Zl time and my kid- l"FXrfVJ neys acted irregu- fh 1 'J L4 larly. Mornings 1 1 tVJ I felt tired and worn lirNiy si? V I out and wasn't III LI mi .Illl for work. DoanFV Jv-.1 " Kidney Pills PUtKSP7L JJ me back In perfect w health. I have great faith in Doan's Kidney Pills." Get Doaa's at Any Store, 60c a Bet DOAN'S "p'SV FOSTER. M1LBURN CO, BUFFALO, N. Y. YOUNG MOTHER HOW STRONG Her MtWi Faith in Lydia E. PirAtam, Vegetable Compoooi Led Her To Try It Kenosha, Wisconsin.'! cannot say enough in praise of Lydia E. Finkham s f 4 much of it and when wf . " I had trouble after 2S nj baby- was born f K? A Bhe gave it to me. I fl It helped me so much r -y nl II mora nan nytnin(c Ik i1 II e'36 na done iat III 'llllll advise all women III 4U1 with female trouble ll 'l"l to give it a fair trial and I am sure they will feel as I do about it Mrs. Fred. P. Hansen, 563 Bymmonda St, Kenosha, Wisconsin. A medicine that baa been in use nearly fifty years and that receive the praise ana commendation of mothers and grandmothers is worth your oonsidera ' Uon, . . " If you are suffering from trouble that sometime follow child-birth beat In mind that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vega-table Vega-table Compound is a woman' medicine. It is especially adapted to correct fuel trouble. The letters we publish ought to convince con-vince you; ask some of your women friend or neighbor r they know it worth. You will, too, if you give it a fair trial ' If You Need a You Should Hava tha Bast Btve you aver stopped to reason why it is that eo many produots that are e tensively advertised, all at once drop out of sight and are soon forgotten? Th reason is plain the article did not falflll the promises of the manufacturer. Tail applies more particularly to a medietas. A medicinal preparation that has resi curative value almost sells itself, as like an endless ehsin system the remedy it recommended by those who have been benefited, to those who are in need of it A prominent druggist says "Take fot example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a preparation I have sold for many yean and never lesitate to recommend, for in almost every case it shows excellent results, re-sults, as muny of my customers testify, No other kidney remedy has so large a sale." According to sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who have used the preparation, the success of Dr, Kilmer's Swamp-Root is due to the fact, so many people claim, that it fulfills al . most every wish in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder ailments; corrects urinary uri-nary troubles and neutralizes the uriq acid which causes rheumatism. You may receive a sample bottle oi Swsmp-Root by Parrels Post. Address Dr. Kilmer 4 Co., Binghamton, N. YM and enclose ten cents; also mention this paper. Large and medium size bottles for sale at all drug stores.Advertlsemenl Every pslr of , TSfrva A ExcellO AMw, Suspenders ffMmim la imanntMd for full w JW J't p wt wear. Mm lika Vlrf LMfiitlA their may stretch and romfy vP(f7rfj-T feel. Aak Yeur Dealer. If ha m J o' . caa't aupplr you, lend direct, f ' JfSKCvl firing dealer name. Ie A II 1 y im-Way StrecH taepeiHler Ce. j.V r ? tnn.. aariaa. Mica. -Vft f I W Rsducos Strained, Pnffy Aa- WS hies, Ijrmifcajiglris. Poll Evil, IX Fistula, BoUs, Swellings; Stops f It; Lameness and allays pain. 'Mfj Haals Sores, Cats, Braises, ! M Boot Ck tfes. itlsa I h Safe Antiseptic and Germicide I VWj Does not blister of reowrve the fJPr hair and horee can bo worktd. f At'i ' Plaaaant to naa. S2JO s bottle, i J Jf delivered. Deecribe your caao : ' lot special Inetructlons end I 1 Book S A free. I f . F. Tsaaf, be., 310 Teple St, Sprktftli, Han. NAME ."BAYER" IS ON GENUINE ASPIRIN Take Tablets Without . Fear, If You " ftes ths Safety1 "Bayer . Cross." If 70a want the true, world-famous Aspirin, as prescribed by physicians for over twenty-one years, you must ask for "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." The "Bayer Cross" is stamped on each tablet and appears on each package pack-age for your protection against imitations. imita-tions. Advertisement i. J lbs iaUeettlc Pewotr to Shakt Uts Tor Sheet ? And sprinkle in the Foot- fym Bath. It takes the sting 1 C out of Corns, Bunions, I ijf-j Blisters and Callouses, f T f and gives rest and 00m- i yC fort to hot, tired, smart- 1 U vTl ing, swollen feet. ' K-AN More than 1,500,000 i V W- pounds of Powder for jL& irA3le Feet were used by TT' 0J our Army and Navy ? 0rSla during the war. jP- lV-r- Allen's Foot-I Foot-I .&rrTg. Ease, the pow-V pow-V r7 dpr for the feet, takes the friction from the shoe, freshens fresh-ens the feet and gives new vigor. Nothing relieves the pain ot tlitbt or new shoes so Quickly. Sold everywhere. 1aVlV)iUttTQm Rats in the Cellar. Mice In the Pantry, Coekrodcfcos In the Kitchen What can be more disagreeable than a home infested with pest-I Destroy them with Stearns Electric Paste, the standard exterminator for more than 43 years. Kill rats, mice, cockroaches, waterbug-or waterbug-or ants in a single night. Does not blow away like powders; ready for use: better than traps. Directions in 15 languages In every box. Money back if it falls. 2 ox. size 35c. 15 o. sbe $1.50. SureRelief FOR II1DIGESTION (CGjS3 6 Bell-ans L-&Mi Hot water tSklJllVjiH SureRelief 25 end 734 Packgea,Evefyirnfirt Tr VnilD Uscs "Cutter V IT I llllil Serums sndVseelnes he i iTRilPQV wT" J?" Ill-Ilia I Short breathing r , t 1 1W I W I Ueved la a few hours; swelling; reduced la a few days! regulatee the tlver, kidneys, etomach and heart! purifies the blood, etrengthens the satire system. Wrtte for free Trial Tramimant. ColLUM MOW KMEPI CO, Dipt 10., IIUHT, U. HILLS HONEY & TAR OOD FOB BAD OOUONft 65c at stores! 75e by mail. Address New York Drug Concern, New York mT7mm V 9 T reeteee fray e PI ffl li If 17 ta4ed hair ert-till ert-till II I P 1b1 eelar, Soa'l aae li U U I u neTer eiracl freei fcMl-lOf JUwU,T Cuticura Soap -The Healthy Shaving Soap rj-WaSeaeaWeea ie.ael.e. Be e w wee OotBt oia ecel to coiuerve your VETERIHARIAIIIsS The Cutter Laboratory karkaler (U.S.Uceue) California1 D 1 - C O l7 - Q ron bun out iton sone 7J at stores; 85e by mail Addrese New York Drug Concern, New York |