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Show 1 " KMCQER SUITS' FLOURISH; I TT.FIAS come to the place where A eporu clothes are broadly divided Into two classes those worn by sportswomen sports-women for actual wear in sports, and those worn by "onlookers" or merely to mate n atmosphere or to fit In with environment. AnJ now we are hearing of "spectator" hats and "onlooker" "on-looker" sweaters. These have the casual cas-ual character of sports clothes, but need not be so sturdy and they may therefore Indulge in unusual decorations decora-tions and press Into their service silken silk-en fabrics. But for real sports weur there are regulation types and among i appeal of novelty as well as beauty. What a boon to fashion-kind are the gay knitted scarfts! Everybody's weurlng them I That Is, speaking of those who give timely thought to' the art of good dressing. Wheu any article of apparel Is as universally popular as Is the knitted scurf "there's a reason." In the first place, knitted togs of every ev-ery description arc fashion's hobby this season. Next the mannish tailored tail-ored suits, polo coats and the like, whlcli are prevailing vogue, seem to call for "Just a touch of color." The p Iff k - vl iJ t I KNICKERS FOR SPORT WEAR them knickerbockers. In place of skirts, bave made such progress tlurt their name has been abbreviated to "knickers." "knick-ers." Life Is too short to say ."knlck-erbocker" ."knlck-erbocker" as often as one needs to among women given to outdoorlng,1 so we have knlcker suits, like that one illustrated, made of tweed and other dependable fabrics. It Is above criticism criti-cism for golfing, biking and p;rstlmes where skirts are inconvenient. As pictured, pic-tured, it is a boyish affair with belted coat and well-fitted knickers, and It calls for blouse, footwear and heud-wear heud-wear of like character. Ribbed hose, broad toe, low heel, sport shoes, plain blonse, scarf t!e. and sailor hat (fastened (fast-ened on with a chin strap), proclaim the dlsTlminating taste of the sportswoman. sports-woman. Altogether it has a style and flavor nil Its own-ns smart and charming as a riding habit. For tn1d- knltted silk scarf mpplles this need In its fuxclnatlng liomun stripes, gay plaids or checks. ' may be snld, In passing, that In klltlon to the color' ful scarfs, many handsome matched suit colorings have also been brought out for those who prefer monotone effect In costuming. These are particularly par-ticularly attractive ta heather mixtures. mix-tures. With all due appreciation of the ornamental or-namental value of the knitted, silk scarf. Its greatest asset is Its genuine genu-ine usefulness for the summer time, Those who have the knack, add further fur-ther glory to these scarfs by artfully throwing them atxrat the throat with studied grace. Young girls are taking particular delight In thrusting the two fringed ends under the belt of their suits, sort of tuxedo collar fiis'don. The latest Is for brilliant si k knit '. ' ' I r -r-rr. ir-tmM? ) 1 EVERYBODY'S WEARING THEM rammer some of the knlcker suits are made with sleeveless coats and worn J with middy' blouses. For wear on the links and other k sports wear, thre are attractive new suits with figured skirts and solid color col-or Jackets. French manufacturers have contributed brlght-hued Jackets of brushed wool, knitted with a wide rib, for wear with sports skirts. The I majority of them have flaring sleeves - und shawl collars, but there are some of the smart stand-up collars. ; The most Interesting developments In 1 the realm of sports clothes, come from ' the knitting mills. Worsted yarns and fiber silk, when knitted, give a flavor of sportwear to any gnrment, and this season presents them In dresses, coot lulu, hat aad acart sets having the ' scarfs with solid colored sweaters, either the tuxedo coats or the V neck silp-on. Perhaps the zenith of benuty Is attained at-tained In the sheer sea-breeze scarfs for summer, whlcl. are thin, almost to transparency, and stretch oyer the shuulders like a silken cobweb. In conclusion, If you would be up-to-date become the happy possessor of a t: knitted scarf, for knitted outer wear Is the keynote of present moment fashion. |