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Show MEMORIAL DAY Memorial Day somehow takes hold of us as no other holiday of the year does. Not only does it suggest what others have done for us, but if we are responsive respon-sive to the best we feel we must pass the blessing along to others. Not long since we thought the days of war had gone, even Gen-ral Gen-ral Pershing himself thought there would be "no war in a hundred hun-dred years." Many had begun to feel that prophecy had come true and that the nations would soon "beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into in-to pruning hooks." But this false security , was broken by the studied cunning of war leaders of an industrious race. In one swoop ell the learning and skill of that people was marshaled to crush the world. Yet even then . we tarried. H6w' we toiled and hoped. Each day new appeals were madei and the nation sighed fopeace. But peace had flown. In the midst of national death throes our people heard the ap-. ap-. peal from across the water, and with gigantic efforts she bridged the sea and drove the lurking : menace to cover. Bugle calls were answered by tramping feet. Never, before had heroic depths of the world's composite blood been stirred. Onward they went. They marched as God's "because their cause was just." And now the battle's done, brave men have caught the torch and borne it high. Ideals of Freedom have been highly praised. The battle scarred are home again, and in the cities of the dead the many sleep who gave their all for us. Could they but speak what would they say to you and ; me respecting Memorial Day? They who turn deaf ears to sordid sor-did barterings and greed. To you and me they thunder a message mes-sage stopped ears cannot record. In special majesty their spirits statid pointing to the world's promises and wrongs. No greater great-er need has ever arisen for fair play than today. Gladly we lay flowers on their narrow beds but from beneath the flower decked mounds there is a cry for human justice. Memorial day suggests the spirit of sacrifice, and sharing shar-ing and giving up for the sake of others. America may well be proud of her heroes, for the balance bal-ance of justice in every war has been on her side. Do you think the dead delight in brass bands and orators? That is our privilege privil-ege to give them unasked. They ask for virtue in the nation for power dedicated to right. Let's honor them with all that lies within us. Let's exalt them hy emulation, in devotion, in sacrifice, sac-rifice, that their names may be 'held in perpetual honor, and the cause for which they died may never perish from the earth. |