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Show SALT LAKE ) V Business I - Directory ,I"UHnjngQswi;w We are the only 9 ZfS "Tk. 1 mt' ' rnita nV,ir5& ' Vv(i. I monuments la 9 !rWyi10&J tJtHh- We h"e ' a r-& twril,CtUjrJ flucgrsined gran- JjUi K'V " wh,Pn tanla f'Tu ffJyTTna rifj'i nurh higher FJH alTW tV pressure than r jfcL ' iii jft eastern granite 1 lif.Stw.-? 'fV and Ukes a very jT i'Ti I1" Po"'1" oaar- mmMr ried.cutpowihrd i - , Vlfi nd carved by V.5Tf Vi UtAh labor. Sea T'ssZjfiS 1 r' I"-' dealer .Si mm ii -a nftfTial ff he does not have it in stork, Write us, the prices will please you. We also hare a large stork of eastern granite at remarkably low prices. Utah Craaila and MarbU Ca. f It West South Temple OLDSMOBILE DEALERS WANTED In I'tah, Idaho, Nevada, Ne-vada, Wyoming. Liheral commission will send representative on request. A. F- TOURS8EN Distributor. KNOWLTON BEAUTY SHOP Everything known In beauty culture. ICt us tell you anont our Creams, Powder and Hair Goods. Me S. Main VCICTCD SCHOOL of DRESSMAKING 1 riil I r.li Teachea you to Design, Cut and siuiu 1 lilt Fjt M Man Mt Cty Hog Cholera It's a pretty hard lesson to see a fine herd of hogs seemingly healthy today, sick and die tomorrow from Hog Cholera. This unfortunate situation has held twa a long time In this section without remedy near at hand. Today however, vetc-inaries everywhere ev-erywhere endorse Ant I hog Cholera Serum as the one way to savs your hogs. A f very valuable little booklet "Insure Your Hogs' Is yours for the asking FREE. Send a 2e ttamp for return pottage of the booklet It will tell you valuable things. Be sure to write your name below, plainly. HELEN BROOKS DEPARTMENT Box U.S. Salt Lake City, Utah. I enclose two cents in stamps for return re-turn pmtaga on a free copy of "Insure Your Hogs Against Hog Cholera-Name Cholera-Name Street City State .. BUSINESS COLLEGES U D. S. BUSINESS COLLEGE. School of Efficiency. All commerr el branches. Catalog freo. 0(1 N. Main St, Salt Lake City. PLEATING BUTTONS Vcordisn. Side. B Pleating. Hemstitching. Bsttorw, Buttonholes. Kid Const Parlor. ' 40 L. Broadway. I 6EK VOl'R PUBLISHER Take ynur B'xik Dindlng-sny kind to your local lo-cal printer. Lerth't Trade Bindery, Bait Xaks. UTAH METAL W0RK3. MTg't Type Metal.. VCICTCD SCHOOL of DBE9SMAKINC lF.lil 1 l.K Intlrurlliins In Kcvting. (.ultitig I ituiumu gm UK,,,,. ,4 S( Mllh Send to THE KNOWLTON SHOP. (09 S. Msln 1 for everything pertaining to makln of Dr-sat- at, HemttiWhing, Plaiting, Duttnnt, B't'n Holei ! |