Show constitutional amendments constitutional AMENDMENT IN RELATION TO MINIMUM WAGES FOR FOB WOMEN AND MINORS A joint revolution an amendment to 1 article lg 16 of the th constitution by tle adal addilou Ad dilon on u of f a 0 section relating tu to a hla minimum mum W wage age for women and minors and general welfare of any and all amplo Em ploMB no co it ft rc elrd by als he legislature of bitte h state stale of uenh 11 two thirds third of all th mem hers elected to each house concurring therein SECTION 1 that it la is proposed propose to amend article ac 10 of the constitution by the th addition of a see section on which will read as follow t SEC PEC 8 th ahr may by ampro provide for the establishment lish ment of a minimum wage for or women and minors minor and may provide for the comfort health safety and general funeral welfare of any and all employees no provision provi ilon of this thia constitution shall be con construed trued as a a limitation urion upon the authority of the legislature to confer uron upon any commission now or hereafter created such auch power and authority as the lez slature ola ture may deem dequis ile to carry out tho the provisions pro of thu this sec tion constitutional AMENDMENT RELATING TO intoxicating LIQUORS A joint resolution oo 00 proposing an a n amendment to article of t the cons itu tion lion of clr st state te of utah by repealing scalon 3 thereof thereof lU latIng to the prohibition hibi blin tion and of sale manufacture use ue advertisement of posits sion of or traffic in intoxicating liquors liquor B lies it holved by the LeaS slature of ur stat of utah two thirds of all 11 members member elected to each hous e and two thard rf of all 11 the members of each house hou concurring therein SECTION 1 repealing section I 1 of article 22 that it id proposed to amend article of the constitution of utah in the following particular to wit that section 8 3 of article ot at the constitution of utah be and the same am is hereby repealed SECTION 2 duty duly of secretary lary of state tho the secretary of state it u hereby directed to submit the proposed amendment contained heie into to the elector of the state at the next general election io in the man ner ncr provided ded by law SECTION 3 mcclee date if adopted by the or of the state this amendment shall hall have effect on the lint fint day of january next sue C ecoling a nation by the board of stale canvasser of the thu result of the election designated in section 2 hereof 1 I M 61 H welling secretary of state of at the state stata of utah do hereby certify that tho the foregoing i is a full true and correct copy of the constitutional pro plied by the regular and special sessions ex aiona of record in ia my office in witness whereof I 1 have hereunto set ct my hand and affixed the groat great seal scat of tile the state of utah thu thid lot lit day of september 1933 SEAL secretary of state first publication september 8 0 2033 last publication november 6 1938 |