Show DELTA by C D mcneely the minds of the people in delta are now nov being taxed with the paramount issue in the coming election on oil the question of the repeal ot of the estil amendment and before the ath lay day 0 of november the lines will b be tightly drawn the say any that the town will go wet by more mor than two to one while the drys claim they will win out with a substantial majority the contention of tile the wets Is not nol that they are theoretically wet but that lie prohibition has not only become obsolete but that it has proved itself to be a disastrous failure in every sense of the word and that it lias has not accomplished any of the purposes of betterment tor for which it was promulgated it Is not proven a remedy tor for the drink evil instead it has promoted drinking lawlessness crime and accidents and especially ally has it encouraged drinking among the boys and girls in their teens along with a general disrespect tor for all law they claim that the state ot of utah la Is 80 per cent wet or against the existing prohibition law and that it each voter votes his own conviction the state will vote for or repeal by 4 0 o 1 they also point out that it would be a calamity tor for the state to vote against repeal as that would show to the rest ot of the country that we are a state teeming with hypocrites since it Is no secret to tho the rest of the country that utah Is one ot of the very wet states and that our big cities are overcrowded over crowded with bootleggers hijackers jac kers gangsters gan and racketeers and that our towns hamlets and villages are beset with comely bootleggers who supply the gentility the riff raft and the sturdy youth with tile the poisonous beverage and coach the young americans in the gentle art of drinking in the dark and partying in the wild seclusions ot of the sheep camps and tile the isolated out ot of the way places they say that we will lose the esteemed respect ot of the other states we have acquired should we vote against repeal in tace face ot of the existing circumstances which w we can in no wise cover up the wets agree ee that it if we were a non drink ing population that it would indeed bo be meritorious tor for us to go forward and vote dry and show that we intended lo 10 0 o stay dry however since we have not shown ourselves to be dry in tact fact it would be the height ot of hyp tor for us to undertake to preach to the world that we are and that by voting dry dr or repeal we would virtually advertise to the world that we preach one thing and practice another therefore they say we should sho ourselves to be regular people and vote our honest convictions and line up with the other great states which have decided in no unmistakable terms to rid themselves ot of tho the greatest curse that has afflicted any people since god sent tile the ten plagues on tile pharaohs Phara of 0 egypt now the drys of delta contend that we are not a drinking people in delta or utah that those who do happen to drink are not worthy of consideration and are in the minority they say that we are getting better and that all this hooey about the kids and the girls drinking and partying is all propaganda and that thai we are not bad like our neighboring states and that we do not want to imbibe the iniquitous liquid and that w we e want to show ourselves a shining example of virtue and fortitude that it would exalt us in the eyes ot of the world should wo we take the step to say that wo we ato aio opposed to the repeal because we are gods people and live lu in gods country and that we have obeyed his laws of 0 temperance are doing so now and intend to keep on going as wo we are they contend that we are good and virtuous and that we should advertise the tact fact to the world of course it la Is not denied that whatever revenue there is now that it goes to the bootlegger and tho the gangster but on one side it Is claimed that the bootlegger will got worse and on on the other that bevill ho will reform and get ashamed of himself and quit the writer believes that the prohibition has tailed failed and should be repealed that it Is obsolete and valueless that it has made matters worse and will continue to do so as as long as it is tolerated and will therefore vote tor for repeal and appeal to all honest people to vote likewise and show allow to all the world that we are self conscious and that we vote our convictions and that our vote will reflect our conduct |