Show why hospitals use a liquid laxative NO hospitals atals and doctors have always used liquid laxatives and the public is fast returning to laxatives in liquid form do you know the reasons the dose of a liquid laxative can bo be measured the action can be controlled troll ed it forms no habit you need not take a double dose a day or two later nor will a mild liquid laxative irritate the kidneys the right liquid laxative brings a perfect movement and there is is no discomfort at the time or after the wrong cathartic may keep you constipated as long as you ayou keep on using itt it I 1 and the habitual use of irritating salts or of powerful drugs in the highly concentrated forni form of pills and tablets may prove injurious urious A week with a properly pro erly prepared liquid laxative like br dr syrup pepsin will tell you a lot A few weeks time and your bowels can be as regular as is clockwork dr caldwelle Cal dwells syrup pepsin is is an approved liquid laxative which all druggists druggist skee keep ready for makes in an ideal family laxative effective for all ages and may bedizen be given the youngest child member N R A T M al 4 1 sure your kidneys are working R right 18 ht mashing tac lacrie with bladder IA im ej es and a tired b red nc nervous ryous depressed feeling may warn of some disordered vidney kidney or bladder function don t delay T try y doan dean s pills successful 50 years used the world over at all arh 01 PILLS el uw MW CASH PRICES tor for carload lots lot borms mul blui it t j corn bolt belt lanne funner r do bouland uLand FRED CLIA ap eya WERE WE RE CARRYING I 1 N G tj 11 wilbur OUR EN END D jj LE S 1 av A 0 A THE TUP PERFECT r 1 r r r fr GUM 11 aji I 1 F for UA extra JL tr au fast ast ff b demand and get GENUINE B aly E R DAYE r lz ME LF because of a unique process in manufacture genuine bayer aspirin tablets are made to disintegrate does not harm barim the heart so it if you or dissolve INSTANTLY you want QUICK and SAFE relief see sea take them thus they start to work that you get the real bayer article start taking hold of always look for the bayer cross on even a severe headache neuralgia every tablet as illustrated neuritis or rheumatic pain paia a few above and tor for the words MR NIZA A rai minutes after taking GENUINE BAYER y V 1 i and they provide sare SAFE relief ASPIRIN on every bottle m for genuine BAYER ASPIRIN or package GENUINE BAYER ASPIRIN DOES NOT HARM THE HEART ax HE ALWAYS WAS I 1 PUZZLED DOE headaches she teamed learned wy why she was 9 always miserable and found out about NR MR tablets natures remedy now she gets aion along grine fine with wilh everybody this safe dependable au all vegetable laxative brought quick relief and quiet nerves because it cleared rier her system of poisonous wastes made bowel action my easy and regular thousands take NR daily il Vs such a sure sum pleasant corrective mild non habit form fonn tah 11 I 1 ll 11 noad at after fter u tl cikac to Quick rel relict c for acid indices t TUMS ton tion he a arthuro rt burn only 10 u PARKERS HAIR BALSAM stop baar rall loff imparate color and beau beauty to cray abid faded hair we and XI I 1 00 at D ahm wk ak pat cauto r N Y FLORESTON SHAMPOO ideal for or uce in parkers hair the haur soft and buffy 60 cents centa by rawl mail or at drug ruta mata hi haibt ox x Chei chemical works ome N Y W 40 33 salt lake cites newest fewest hotel L to HOT E L TEMPLE Roc rooms itris tile radio connection in every room RATES FROM FROAT jwj opposite mormon ERNEST C ROSSITER or sufferers from itching burning 11 affect eions eczema pimples rashes red rough sk i sore itching burn burning illg feet chafi V chap pings cuts burns and all forms of disfiguring blotches blotcher blot ches may be found by anointing with Critic itura urn ointment it quickly soothes boothes and soon heals beals price and soc eoe proprietors potter drug drua chemical corp Bl alden aiden br blass |