Show for your convenience our bakery took on a lot of expense a and n d made considerable investment in preparing to slice our bread this was done for the convenience of all 0 P skaggs system patrons bread sliced as ours is sliced certainly is the greatest housewives convenience we know of when you try one loaf of our 0 P S sliced bread you will say so too BANANAS solid firm ripe bananas ac lb ib you will also find many other unusual offerings in our store OATS large pigs of Q Q oats you can surely use a or two at it this price RAISINS market day raisins in 4 lb ib pigs for is a very good buy DEVILED MEAT small cans of libbis deviled meat ac A few cans calls in your pantry are always helpful in making up lunches SYRUP these chilly mornings waffles or hot cakes are very fine with blue karo syrup which will sell for a full three pound tin 0 P S KAG GS 7 STORES A surety of purity FIRST STATE BANK OF IN member federal reserve CAPITAL AND SURPLUS invites accounts of corporations firms firmi and individuals H S gates president H B crandall vice pres fe cashier cashi E V johnson ass t cashier the american provision co pico and central street los angeles calif is now prepared to receive any shipment of turkeys or fowl the same fair treatment and prompt return that you have always received from this firm will be accorded you i cool your stuff properly before shipping j our best reference is your neighbor W V hy LOST U S army discharge either in utah or craig colo return would be appreciated george wilson paxton kanosh utah IN THE CENTER N OF THINGS tr 13 a post bilut oa 00 a velet 6 ny set 10 ft 08 6 8 3 to o aloes 01 clip mar 4 1 to bon B minutes ite to tile 5 minutes to keith U OB 3 to auerbach li t cal to 8 ss ni to t noo is t piet 1 a to ae 7 cl ane 7 e es a stop at this cent center e r of to fa t social and busi business ess e s salt lake but a few minutes from everywhere Of feling following Irol loing special isper ial intermountain DOUBLE RATE single rate hate plus boc single double all onside dooin each bilth private bath gainge facilities adjoining i HOTEL NEW N E W HOUSE I 1 ell 0 U S E mm J if water W K H SlIt sutton toll chauncey W wt genii ci ena alar mgr asat goul genii mgr |