Show NEW IN SCHOOL school work seems to bo be going tor for ward with so much regularity that vacation is almost forgotten tore otton and it seems as though there had never been a summer vacation for or us our music and physical education classes are perhaps the most interesting though there is a splendid attitude of 0 work and earnestness in all ot of our classes our weekly programs have been on the order of general programs no one grade or teacher being responsible for any one of them however we will soon be on our regular schedule which we hope to follow throughout the school year our school is lust just now especially interested in the demonstration work to be given on saturday oct ath at our schools among our teachers responsible tor for these demonstrations are miss johnson Joh naon miss brunson miss bliss holbrook and miss rogers the work is under the direction of 0 miss bliss matilda peterson who la Is with us tor for a month and whose interest in any piece ot of work is a guarantee of 0 its excellence we look forward to a day ot of much profit and pleasure our elementary school enrollment has now reached we are having a very splendid attendance though there is some sickness among our pupils we welcome miss cleone wilcox of delta as a member of our faculty sho she Is to assist miss johnson johnsoa in the first grade the initial meeting of the fillmore parent teachers association was a very decided success fully one hundred parents were present A program of music and speeches ws was well given and well received the speakers were superintendent W A paxton principal robt L and mayor horace day the music was furnished by our splendid junior band directed by thomas and a faculty quartet the fourth grade pupils under the direction of miss bliss lona shields gave a little health which was much enjoyed officers tor for the year were elected as follows president mrs ralph wood vice pres miss bliss fracnes fenton see sec treas miss bonne johnson refreshments were served by the misses mary and merl peterson Pete raon and mary warner of our junior high school plans are under way tor for regular monthly meetings and also plans tor for some worthwhile projects tor for the betterment ot of our school and community note because of lack of space part of this column will b continued to next week |