Show HUNTING RULES SET FOR CLEAR LAKE days when duck shooting will be permitted at the sportsmens sports sport mens amens meeting last monday night attorney E vance wilson was waa appointed chairman ot of a committee to cooperate with the state game commissioner in establishing rules for hunting and regulating hunting privileges at clear lake the chief object 0 of the com miss missioner joner in making any special rules tor for this project was to insure the best beat hunting possible tor for all concerned and at the same time to make the territory inviting to the migratory wildfowl the following days daya were set aside tor for hunting and the recommendations mentioned will be made the subject af 6 an official proclamation by the commissioner noon monday october tor for remainder ot of the day and all legal hunting hours october no hunting during the remainder ot of the week until noon Satu saturday rilay october and all day sunday oct hunting permitted thereafter only on saturday from noon and all day sunday and all day each wednesday except october also the last throe P roe days thursday friday an abat aird ay at the end of 0 the sea bentila Bon tila r 48 makes a total ot of 9 halt half daya day 0 20 tull full days of 0 hunting at clear ke this season included in the clear lake territory placed under these regulations is ig all ot of tho the territory along the clear lake canal tor for a distance ot of 3 miles and all ot of the north pasture along brooks slough and tho the west slough tor for a distance ot of 4 miles north of the clear lake ranch house this further request has been made of 0 the hunters that they do not park cars along the highway running east and west between the takes lakes and the north pasture and that cars are not permitted to park along the sand band hills near the big dyke those who made the trip to clear lake last tuesday saw several hundred large ducks and three flocks ot of goese they report more ducks about the lake than has been there for or a number ot of years all duck hunters ot of millard county are invited to take advantage of this opportunity offered the public by the game came department |