Show PARENT TEACHERS association ORGANIZED HERE mrs airs ralph wood elected pres an enthusiastic meeting of parents and teachers was held la in tho the junior high school auditorium at 8 p in 0 of o september the need and purpose of a P T organization in fillmore were ably discussed by supt bupt W A paxton mayor horace E day and prin R L supt bupt paxton told something of the history ot of the P T A also what some of the organizations organization s had done in millard county during the last two years year the junior band under the direction of mr furnished two numbers which rather surprised many of 0 those present because of 0 the excellent manner in which they were rendered the fourth grade gave the code of the health crusaders in song and story they were directed by miss shields A quartet of 0 the fillmore teachers miss brunson miss partridge mr trimble and mr sang a song following the program miss frances fenton who was the one most instrumental in calling the meeting spoke briefly telling of her great desire to see a real live parent tea cher organization in fillmore i As everyone present seemed to be in favor of such an association election of officers was the next order of business mrs ralph wood was unanimously ani chosen as the president and miss fenton and miss bliss bonne johnson were likewise chosen as the vice president and secretary respectively ively the teachers had prepared refreshments fresh ments which were served following the meeting |