Show strawberries IN SEASON SEE YOUR full measure produce dealers dealer work started at clear lake hunting grounds ac A truck load ot of lumber and a party of workmen left fillmore thursday tor for clear lake to construct two large head gates and one 20 foot spill way to flood several hundred acres of the clear lake hunting grounds the plans to be followed will flood all of the territory between the canal and the road north of the main lake by diverting tile the full how flow ot of the springs into the lake bet between een the two dykes that are already constructed the spillway will serve sarve as a check to raise the water level between the dykes before the water Is allowed to run in the lake and pasture north ot of the big dyke george rowley will direct the construction st according to the instruction ot of state game came commissioner newel nevel B cook the workmen who have gone from fillmore FI Ilmore donating their services tor for tour four days are hillman davies alma brunson alfred robinson plat trimble william willfam allen alien mr thornton and forest olmstead it is understood from mr air william starley ot of delta that a crew ot of tour four men gaeu will be sent from delta and one or two from deseret local sports men and business institutions donated funds and foodstuffs tood stutts to provide for the workmen on the trip it Is requested that anyone who cares to help in this work communicate with B E vance wilson as sufficient funds are not available to finance this work and also alao that transportation por tation must be provided sunday to convey these workmen home after they have finished their work I 1 this new plan is called the watch your speech campaign symbolized in the letters W Y S every member ot of the class constitutes a committee committed ot of one to watch h his Is own speech and tile the speech 0 of the other members ot of the class by bringing mistakes to class we hope to learn to avoid repeating them the students have been asked to carry this campaign into the homes where our parents and younger brothers and sisters may be bene fitted after all good english is a tool we must use every day everywhere in our citizenship class we are studying the national budget for far the year 1930 we are trying to cut down the expenditures ot of the different offices concerning the national government last ast week we held a meeting of the senate and had members of the class give short speeches concerning their personal ideas on the increase or decrease ot of the governments ern ments expenditures many good speeches were made in objection to cutting down these expenditures however a majority ot of the class agreed to a twenty per cent cut in all ot of the different departments ot of our national government this year the millard county high school has a larger band than this school has ever had before this band under the direction ot of al mr r is expected to make a good showing in this years contests last ritual friday ahe the band arrayed in their blue uniforms did figure marching and playing at the football game the sight was a thrilling one to the people who were watching the game during the week physical examinations have been given to every boy in school next week the girls will be examined this we believe Is a very splendid undertaking A record will be made of each student so that the parents ot of those who have something wrong with them will be notified and it will be their responsibility to have these faults corrected we are sincerely grateful for or the work that has been coo conducted ducted by y dr evans dr baker and our red cross nurse miss alias coltharp |