Show 1 raffo OF BLOWOUTS a ILLS t 8 r t A wa 00 OVA PART ws DO OVA rm GIVE GREATER protection 1 OVER six million people baic seen the f 4 extra patented firestone construction features of gurn dipping and attro extra gurn dipped corti plies andr the tread at A century of progress these illions know n etc otc more than ever before why firestone tires hold all world records on road and track for safety speed mileage and endurance if you have not seen how firestone tires are made if you do not know what is under the tread of a let your nearest firestone dealer show you the extra streit ih extra f safety longer mileage and greater Blo trout protection built into firestone gum dipped tires you are going to need ivr tires mis fall and dont put V T oil buying another dayl you will pay more later trade the so Fires tonit cum dipped tires daner in your present hadit and the scientific rubber ex tires for the safety aa in the hall of science dmd in firestone gum THE by firestone sit the request of of TIRE construction the comitta dipped tires the safest at A century of chlecq tires in the world EVERY FIBER THE NEW EVERY CORD IN SU ER OLDFIELD TYPE SUPER OLDFIELD TYPE 0 arl 11 ick built to equal all first EVERY PLY IS 21 line standard sian dard brand tires ford in quality construction BLOWOUT rv 1 wk n and appearance but it 19 lower in price an PROTECTED nal 0 ther firestone BY E x 26 1335 13 35 kub 1015 in sav ing money for car GUM DIPPING sees low owners yin 0 raflo Q PRESSURE LOW T C T 0 i n R T I 1 FR E S the tire to increase the efficiency and economy of your tractor firestone 1101 I 1 19 pneumatic tractor tires in tests ploce 1 27 inore acres ith a 2350 in I 1 t 4 fuel and a to increase inc rense in I 1 speed tests anade by ohio state university equip mith these all purpose tires now all prices subject to change without u notice GO TO YOUR LOCAL FIRESTONE SERVICE DEALER OR SERVICE STORE BUY TODAY BEFORE PRICES GO HIGHER L |