Show league football games in region 6 started friday sept 29 there are eight schools participating in this region this year combining the millard and sevier divisions the schools are richfield monroe north sanpete San pete and academy in the sevier district and delta hinckley beaver and millard in the millard district each team will play five games three in their own division and two in the other division millard division teams will play one game in the sevier district and one at home with a sevier team the first round of 0 play saw richfield playing at delta hinckley at wasatch academy monroe at beaver and north sanpete at fillmore those who saw the game at fillmore were thrilled at the performance of our team tho the boys in blue showed that they are made of the right sort of stuff although the score was wag one sided being 46 19 in our favor the boys were able to see gee many ways in which they thery can yet improve this friday they play at richfield A new law has been passed this year that all students who are physically able must take physical education we think that this Is a great improvement ent over the provi previous years when it was necessary to take ghyst physical education for or only two years miss bliss irene ross the physical education teacher for girls has a now new and very interesting lineup line up tor for the season the first two weeks were devoted to the learning of folk dances which was very interesting at present we are playing baseball and volleyball volley ball which are great sports after our exercises we plunge under a cool shower which puts pep pap I 1 and vigor into one for the remainder of the day every friday the class period Is devoted to hygiene this takes up the studies of how we can maintain good health and happiness gained through good health everyone seems to be going tor for physical education this year in a big way friday sept 22 immediately after a short assembly all classes went to their respective rooms to elect class officers the girls seemed to prevail in the senior class evalyn cummings was elected president merlene erlene Ai paxton vice president r it ene stephenson secretary leda warner social manager and meldon warner athletic meager maager miss morte merle 1 bosh aa mr r R L and mr samuel D moore are senior advisers other class officers are as follows JUNIOR CLASS mack black rogers president sonoma robins vice president lottie cummings social manager vivian stevens secretary and treasurer atton afton critchley girls athletic manager and nell stewart boys athletic manager class advisers are mr air marble arble Al miss bliss booth and miss anderson SOPHOMORE CLASS chester Al emmott president raymond kimball vice president dark clark robison Rob lson secretary and treasurer lean leah paxton social manager wilford boys athletic manager and rose johnson girls athletic athi manager class advisers are miss ROBS mr 11 melville elville and mr air taylor FRESHMAN CLASS mary marv I 1 a chesley president blanche stevens vice president ramon day social manager brent warnor warner cheer leader hal secretary and treasurer and mllton milton hatton athletic manager class advisers are mr air huntsman mrs airs and mr we are sure that all these officers will do their duty as best beat they know how low and class work will be a success are the presides Fresh les going to be good sports this Is a question which has haa been oen bothering the upper classmen clasemen class men of t the millard high school initiation day thia friday will give them a i chance to prove themselves aud and we hope they will prove themselves worthy the rules laid down tor for the freshley resh fresh les tor for friday apply also to the sophomores from kanosh who are ilso also being initiated into our al H S S with this big group dressed in gunny sacks and strange shoes shoe and ill all the rest of the paraphernalia prescribed by the student council continued on back page al HS H S NOTES continued from page one the day should provide lots of fun un tor for the school this year in ili our senior english class we have organized a new way in which we may ampt improve ove our speech |