Show governor great scheme the lite governor gilpan i carefully elaborated borated a schema for a COSMOD Ift railroad ia B brielly briefly abita tiie aten ia this that the rolern overn meata of the saw sas roesta R urgia a te oa ot the farther birther tact fact that ahey hw always been allies should lasne lane bonds for d of a road dim ang the con the abe atlantie antle ocean to the tae inoc itoc ky encircling boath sonth america fry by way tay at abc north from the tb i kae through alaska to behring behrin g S t uia irK isbit it is s contemplated thai abill be tn bid ged ants ri gf and asia t b bt ws tray of the ai h amna ot of quiz tle extreme tab c ilie coabe ot spain and omac rancy inoes tobe built to kosdon and st pete b 9 D eves according to the plan outlined isto is to ba the center so BO troit the line eis east t as the united baxton lor its is in reality but a branch branchi isue hue the laying out ont 1 dodte boweter lio ho wever weTer la Is by n alveo part ot of this work fr the governor go etkes u sv description lon of the ci arar y for 01 the entire dial tar tarca cg tributary to the th a line boil ewt ell mate ul atlen Is much as it the road were actually to lobe be balt B ait mad and this yanthe iras lne technical lepor apon ti ich all calculli forM bucago ago traum |