Show BANE 0 OP F 1 irish afi t H v 0 riba ifju ani d creak ali 0 maka ringleader U 19 leadir of 4 iloma att la the wholesale beld dri rotting of tl th bs growing up tip in ice irion towns blomn s a and n villages me merely i taj ough contact I 1 elih tills this ever swelling army af 1 leafe loafers ra a and ed va vagabond ab ands a which bakes one ass ask vitta sinking hearty eart what hope there idof is of thew gener atlon 52 we are still raising many aaby hoys ka s in spite of this contaminated ma ted environment steady pu pare i miri ded ambitious ambitions diligent dit igent lads V who 13 ire re not ashamed hamed aig to be regular at A a agaes I 1 as s and at their studies or work I 1 ind at their b beds es in m good time says saya ahe hc fortnightly rev Jle lewd vieB it is ebur mr ure that ali a these exceptions ba u ird wu sot mot remain in their maturity to help us avil they will sail off farr america Ami arica or the antipodes antl weakening steadily dily teo mi strives to better matters As ah go now this always shrinking minority milid rity ca caa not lauch in ch conr ion Z IT r keep k up as a decent sho show yr of df resistance it must be overwhelmed by weight ol al numbers t it is isa i fast fact thai the irishman a returned from america ok ci australia is one ona oi of the worst elements ir th is and dangerous danger oua OUR class I 1 JT sup ose this is cical 1 og oi I 1 i ca cal I 1 thov naovu 9 L if lic had not abt the seeds of worthlessness in him he would ouid r have hava essen fekn ro root ot in the soll soil of a next new continent and there I 1 could name from personal acquaintance a dozen small mall s towns and we fae home coming I 1 of a t X abed loafer or ruffian from fc foreign reign parts has wrought the whole difference between a tolerably quiet and well vell ordered community and a place visibly going with wit fi loud lend turo alenco lenc and vicious abandon uban 1 on straight to the devil 5 atas 1 lt ds a pa pat t of the irony of our fita fate that this returned blatherskite oc miscreant sho abo ild iid take fake a wild and absorbing in interest ter st in local politics iche if lid has learned nothing good a broad abroad he has at least acquired a shrewd acquaint acquaintance aner with the trials ana machinery of the can cus and he knows how bw to czi pas himself or on tho the town council of galway or make himself himsel fG a acor baw guardian in a small place pla e in the teeth of alt all tho 1 3 soberer elements of I 1 the electorate th there e ia is A a certain vigor and unholy activity about the fellow a kind ot of brass imitation of the golden resourcefulness he ails has seen abroad which ze isako ako him hicho C 1 he natural ringleader of tho the slower zend and more stay at home Ios fers era and he e gathe gathers rs tham ihm up and propels them along as a 9 force for f 0 r confusion waste acid aa wrong which no ono knows LIOW how to stand up ag against ainest 0 |