Show bunca MEN u a LP A special effort made gilad to io their of se S daany i people at the tiie holds fiobo j s and ta in other lp public plages about on ta osra ra hare gava tic d bi by abr shar pers feat t jaste yesterday da Y jn Jarge placards cards co tavalagi a r warning were issued by bi iho vv de d and sent id ia heil he lot IL cli sifa a M re t TT T agn T placed most bot ious places usual R aebli le wh ere th the cw r registering egUe ering Is 14 done don s at the grand drand lintel hotel there are several of these placards palace uck sad occidental a greater arle cr lesa s number an am displayed mii department has also sent cards to the myriads of smaller hc hotels els charmy of confidence aim men that have arrived in the jmj mhd the aalfs weeks are re ca capped lik fia gers of 0 f idah of 0 less note irom ve MR ren cloes IM I M they th hope to reap eap rich liar gators v est strom from visitors tora an and d resi residents denti the notice of warping aas bee teea a issued iss mad sad and posted at the hotels hot els 1 Ls a aa s fOllOW SI at y stran ae are hereby ia to ward wal tf ot of bunco cf card d ably ars an and benl men li test fest tha th e hidore ct cf hotels hatel W Tic sl bf aa ti alek abs and hotel boobis they lio froia the hotel i registers the names blames of bf greats antl anil p places lc from which they amile come az maet them on the street with a d cordial good morning or or good goo evening eT ening aliff callina cali call ai atheni kiy by name an m e gay eay t knew you yau ata at mentioning the place iv where sere you arz ars from troma the man inan being in ia ii aliee diac and unus unused to the wa ways i ps vf f thesa cheso ermin bermin is only too ready to greet a per sod kofl who ma may y dalm claim that he cje laaen him ath at hs Ts home then follows a frien chy drink and sn W to t taace ah e a walk and finally he be Is ushered into a room roomer of 3 saloon loon where a game of cds ads or ilice ce is 14 la pro gres on the pretense to pasi the time the tha takes a hd hand be it cards or dacer ace and wins some som money he then asks th the stranger estranger to play plak often divi dividing d his winnins g with him asan as an inducement du cement this invitation 1 is lv rarely re fa based ad after a little time he is dealt a hind hand at cards he then than finder that his a hand that ardt beats mm him lafit II 11 it should bea be a dice game gamed le la Is a also 1 so invited AB participate which he does bocsi resulting in his losing his mousy probably babl all Y hoaas ihas in the world the bunco invariable extends s sympathy to the victim and v wishes L ashes him blin gm better tt r luck lack next time they leave lave the abs but the victim is soon shaken o ot 03 T when the returns to tm lh saloon i ta joi get hit his of the winnings ings so obtained by faaui 2 Sha mall all st strangers stra jers who approach insist and know you if you do not lot you chiai repent ie pent IL it is doubt leasa a good idea to post the notices lees sold said que one hotel on day dairl but it they dont read fead th the papers paper and see the warning d daily A 1 don dont t know how this will reach them the public Is very peculiar sometimes especially ally the traveling public while this class of 0 people are usually bertei better wormed informed than any other they read the papers and straightway forget thinking inthey in pa they cart can tike caw car 4 id As al a fact those chose who really kaow much about the world can take fake careo care of f themselves but it t must te be remembered that laar probably fro babl ii a majority of those at the bc rk ae travel avel iu little they are here from the country towns and from their stores find and banche jan xan che chei andare iii daxe not always awil awal e eto ta thin the wi lesof these chwi confidence den ae men a Bri eiffe ferent hotel 0 proprietors say ray that tha t during thelast the past ast TWO weeks they have lidd to constant on stant watch for ca card d shii sharps fips and bunco steer ers who come come in seat themselves dna and t try tj J ft 10 dra draw strangers stra agers into coave san francisco ci 0 |