Show I 1 6 ciarci thirties himell 1 the services lut last sunday were aera f open opened ay the choir singing I 1 oh ja 1 mo Q tyla Xaina ii ul 4 li lien I 1 i where the caw ur blae iky mf 5 L trayer traer was W ts efferd I 1 by elder Joi joshua liua greenwood I 1 after which h the choir san sang aba dutiful sentence gen een leace tence entitled go G rhen ahen tha 4 mgt ra g Thea crement was then adminis teddy elders joseph swallow and nd abram abrain Carlin Carli fig gr during which th the e choir saag ife lie died the great balei r dieda elder A melvile was waa tha first I 1 I 1 e wis was pleased to see eee so large a congregation present said we alread alfrad objects 1 isaias abife anil ani the good objects should ire be 1 edtl encouraged raz ed I 1 vz should all be baited uni tedia in matters wa f w Z d Z c r benent at to the ward C W 1 M marty a i y jot 0 o r our young people were 1 I 1 spec spending aing too toc nuch much 1 time to n no cl pur poss spoke of af ahe the co condition of of the people I 1 lir sall sail 8 1 I ral r take al G c and compared them ben wt ath tb those of fillmore the speaker ap aker advised the people plo to c employ W ploy 1 ca their spare pre time ba beautify in c h homes too many criminal basss had boen coming lefore the ahe re pea pie lately this ahls jhue id cot be difficulties between bet r een latter latte J r day ay tants shoula bs be settled s before the authorities rould not 1 bo amicably settled tle d themselves As a com I 1 eunit y ke sheild jhc ild seek to be more united in strength iier I 1 reo u ii a considerable amoun t of disunion simlon di evea in sr little ward letus kubite one oae aad all in on effort eff ortto to en conrage P g f our town and county and tab hj me industries indu atries here Is a the produces Fro pro ducts ducis of farms t and andia if r ofal 13 g more lucrative c could pul d be gotten g 0 o tt en to I 1 dossye dd r s we oho should did take ad ran va 7 tage of the fact betth thai atis I 1 land is plentiful and anavO crops ps agy ogy 0 toe the mineral lid resources ce s ef our territory have so for asyet as yet been bare comil commenced fenced A billiou mIlli orp of people ople would come yere hare at as no distant future I 1 our mounta a streaks streams I 1 donld bt 6 dotted with machine shops a and IR fact factories orle s ty tab speaker haid aad lut but u desi desire f ro to ba bof benefit to the masses ol al the people to establish unity we lye should d build I 1 up imp each other astren sti sni then thea and patron patronize izz each other I 1 hatco thita a mient all ma reach 1 I this point was t hii desire president said bald he h had dd icat fast sned ened ln interest terest to a the remarks of brother melville we T should seriously sons loer them advise I 1 ua wk f ulm ya I 1 S sabbath spoke t effort to 1 little sabi 0 I 1 II SS Bi U P ddn would mabb M us I 1 i iw z as ham home a ladr atries st ries tho the bacas back bone boce othall of 21 was farming farni ng why did we ya 1 not properly develop 8 celop the laral w eh dve we ere land poor we would w find that at it if we did nott take ake t i advantage of opportunities offered us u s I 1 mchome at home we would find strangers coming in g here who would makszus mat dixs their cervan s and han we should haven have a creamery p in each badii town to yr ri 1 in the county I 1 we we should hv have woolen mills here not one 0 n e sheep of ten ia hi millard I 1 county way was I 1 ormed here we aie arel letting eUting too many ny opportunities pass unnoticed unno let I 1 us W t our streams and water power iz complimented for its labor laboi pole do on off the aid promised by ay the people mple 10 lo abell help complete t the deseret des Be seret ret c Le teach one do according to bis ability I 1 bl bishop hop iain causier r then ilion spoke a few I 1 mom aa beird reec add re lie aad cecur secured C d war kford v ery man J re who I 1 would assist st bringing the waters from dry into ita 1 said if the ahe z people would work to that that 1 end ws we could haven have a woodlea fa factory etory here by fell fa the choir aar apr Q I 1 1 i l ts h r 3 J benediction benedicti on by elder alder C andersone Ander soe |