Show organize the association and let us leave in an exhibit that c wili be a cred itlo the cou county laj sane and show ehg the dipterous numerous lipTer ous resources reso which the famous grada of utah I 1 i is hotd not Q I 1 mant 1 9 the above abare little paragraph parag ranh we kinf ik z I 1 for the belief it of oa readers 1 in jj mil lari county it should caust think chink why are not w wo fa 0 jt o f Millard Mil kird 4 lo 10 oae t tle tl e mosi favored co antics caties of our anost inoff favored territory terr i tory not cot doing x Z something to organize a fair asso cladda hecq heretofore wp wf have called attention on to mhd which coalt d and I 1 would be jeril derived ved a ja za step G r s Z I 1 watis wat what 13 is there ahl we have bata not V in canty C 0 I 1 y aurill at and other errata js is of J 1 the anest quality our oar cattle are exten sive sj and d ipei a t cr fruit Is s of the I 1 P hest 1 ty and a nd flavor in the world our 46 ur minnard min naud mineral meral industries 1 11 are fe diba greater 1 bojor i r it bons on and air i r m a M indue binau tries are ar cf set le i C a bair kair association be I 1 oi one oace list us dus have k a f county IF fair here in the fall I 1 T tha 17 Bo 10 ard ardol of trade should tais tas malted sarious eption |