Show ameir 4 nw P ces A method of renaer ln sand imper alous to water whid mch has ed sc ka na in ID fireman breman gera ally COU consists bially la lr blowing dry cement into lato the bid sana which it Is desired to consolidate 11 abr ar tills this purpose purposed sti l 12 1 2 inch fifels adawn a to a botet vat lower end cna and as has ii asere alfie rp three 3 t inca dolese 1 thiis ppe it Is ia joten f its apper apfer end toy iby a kutiner tube to Is connected to aliar a and nd is fed dry cement the sinking enking of theft tub ulio 0 i to the required depth is AL ft t dhring ahring its dez descent klepl s or from 15 to IU 19 f leet e t have bein been p ched h in this in an ne ellmes done the iem cement bentli is blown blomi into s a U ia by the air r which bollin 9 up tha arm er 1 fissures fiusa r es a tho rousS mixture ot of tt and ee ment the tua is then slowly 3 wl W tharal tharan ria th sur pi Y of ei cc anent med the point reaches athi tb surface sor tace the zaire in ahls wai tray requires several levitia dieks rde n and does not t attain ItaL foll I 1 for abon the afi e lobe treated la Is divided into a number areas areas about T boft square edthe tube Is aix saak guce ly if ct them an aex p t raifa la applying this process ris at the c crete formed less jaee than ahe jasd alone did original or flani 1 |