Show 1 fa il mund lair in alatka acccia according J i U to advises advices I 1 I 1 brought pet A teamer kropetz ro petz pretty much all ol 01 al alaska a dd ii up in arms avei oter ac recent 71 idie td united states marshal porter r I 1 7 t V 11 he enforcement of th d raual laundy acan act judge liott ex es sione ii ao ho came down on on the kopew op hilray home after three years of s e ry IM thi there repays says porter means mean bus business I 1 nass is backed up by the attorney gene general tal and moreover halt tl the v b it t p population of sitka and and junear juneac will trill 14 under arrest shortly dunlea the U dserve the lawi law i 4 theia unlawful relations with the indian and half breed women who are practical their slaves 0 z |