Show d sass be de e cao the adother of the g W mid the child her hei her ba 8 frind covered il s J a a ds yra the CR i he at riesa I 1 boy woman rn first at the he right of took himml 1 R th all r W elrd ed from idt and ba a the list last ru ii fill tt then P each jaa man sn in tk pt cirela of kotfis rot fis jia fai liidi auhl abid andwan waa rb lIotiS wy y I 1 ea fifthe the id va gad fima ori od aatu all v rose MCI pd a fell feleai in ra s mn X dint avea d afe ff ni othero other of aie lir e into a IO 10 T ged zd avail and a all 1 tte C oien en joined tha was done one I 1 flad d gygie sy 1 push Y afir caud arward ard and ai head wrapped in ace 11 bawl awl threw half face down dowa aa tr floor la ia the abandon of 1 highet as 11 AIL Q 11 girnea bear ned LM 3 ih 0 ar she toole a 4 uw from in 31 ir nm ai kaneez bf the fhi stun d and it djiana tl dudl dry fibers the half deit sot df pitch p pine the ne new 4 fire flared up aad d ted th the e iceo ice mca o the I 1 she sh AS a billin Hal masda da pre prettiest west and sweetest raper igan of dr the cari inaudi i bave As aa the tha flim flam rosald ilg lifsted atad lei her sweet brown face adif ran abou arou d the room the ini child smiled j e raised her eyes to mine taj LJ wizened priest abe child bi lentia t slowly forward touched he be I 1 aweas th theeres the eyes with als bisi finger er cheri i vv hla bis hand hafid ills blade eyris eyo af e fixed bir herst hers upheld to jaee in that gazel they stood tote inte ti ay 5 at each other for fail five e iii hour abi the th e bamboo bamboo pl pipes pes softer aud aid a fain fa I 1 rumbling came bame from the druin druma wor worshipers worshiped were bim breathlessly si lent A froia fro w T he p priest ii es t iba iad little maj I 1 ileta lifted d both her hei fiands hanla ind and ei tended tem ed them thee 0 over v er the altar alta rz her gaa a fl fixed ed on an eyes is of we tho awe inua of the old priests at the corners of the slab ot of stone seized one of er wrists aad and palled her gently fd far wa until her bosom was almost almast over th ahe airy her own hands had kindled on iha ei the ni ikkei vh a stood before th the r girl sra sadell caught the frici stone 1 afe fe froni to vt th tha hand of thi the who had heldia and leaned io toward ward my my littly etue heild I 1 II 11 had ad believed that the rites were no mo mc re ilian th an and that no nd real harm to her other wi e d the ilie aib of them personal all well weh known by ine me would mot have da ed to lot let ma tie ii a witness of bf their do de KL d q but no now I 1 yelled at that grassly old ol 01 devil to stay his hand but before I 1 set struggle ruggle through the tha nearest athe of the packed backed ranks of worshipers worshippers wor i shippers th t jagged glassy edge s wept swept twi twice ce ae ac oss that tender breast bread L klimunda Kai Ral munda gae e no ab sign of hatin hating feit f elittie blade s h her fesa she ha s seemed to 0 be bd id it a a im aie high I 1 priest caught i a f benr ew drops drop 0 ber er blood liphus hand A and shoo them into tili ali aiona 6 bova 1 on mi the knem knees of ls goethen grid the 2 few fe drops on the flin aca A gasping cry aery fill filled the 1 cars as aa rd was nas n caught in ia le he her mo mothers aers arlitz that cry came ame from the brightened idda idd a d its throat was cut by a single sheep 0 that blade of glass its ili flood blood fell into the bowl bow wore the idol its it heart quietly f D mired and its flesh wa was itt at once cut inlo minute bits an and I a piece to each worshiper worship sr it atvas wai alonce afonce 0 4 jthn the le broke zut wildy thie bl big tirom rum thundered the boar b w strings twanged twan ged the bamboo times antes piped merrily every man in the room sprang to his circled around th the e altar alta r ina in a slow aaice a da nce ance ghere wad yd brief pause then the mie haty soend ot the dram rolled aggei asan thio c a v e nr d A Aromi dand alrid aro and they I 1 prid and the i mcdathe 1 idorh daice aaice w chster and anda wilder ilder ti A L dancer threw asife his as shirt baring baranj bis afi body anil oae b by y on the e others followed follow 1 his example one oil after another every ev ery g garmen the 11 light odthe of arthe sacred d refell upon tc a I 1 nasi bf 4 hildi rued As kedas as th the face of clo uffie i s kp k ahe hai danced JQ a ft a frenzy 1 of I tell U i t haw ow long up dropped ex es hausted streaming stream mg w I 1 th perspiration after a time the ancient chobad led the bm an order m afi low tones and the dancers dm ce rs arose clothed the nhsn elves and allalie abray u V ihfe aviivii n all had left hie fac except the fac priest and hia doi eri asplet assistant in t s uki ai as the brands which still burned on the altar tv hiie ere laid oi on the axe of a b endl t new touches ches abere were lighted the they y c slab ala A was ma i their and 16 lowered erred their godif stone inta the pit ben benel th thai laid tb four it the aim remains 6 the tha kid were an put in the b bowl owl ab te tha afie knees s of the fia ge and th dlan knife wa was sIad laid anthem en them one q edge ge of ah e 1 T elal slaw was wag lowe lowered jo 0 its place and aid the me old a Z P n 7 sav at r Z ja ij ai t I 1 w 5 s I 1 1 A za 0 I 1 1 L IF 0 ug i 7 p ia de oai lad W didiw nto anie fiete if liidi te 11 heldris 1 din S thrust ie bif 0 ne I 1 aja afas I 1 ere oat jbv thee jt last py W liia bird w se abw 8 0 af o ife left wits fob 00 80 d j ot the r 53 A mist ad cre ssie aaa M a 01 aaa keter e 44 4 4 was C ya e i brown maiden my favorite lounging unile pla ahe 1 palms palmi oxa axa of la cardac af jew ew dais after feuy etain s u 1 daa she gravely replied 1 r s j F she hi caca id rn me OH dead and fai 13 shir sass c you tar 70 she h answered reproachfully reproach re fally aca ate her bir boysaw saw it yourself ea T dla aid there thea who arc tou ton now non we faey 07 taia aali dolores rad iid I 1 ed dalit T a maraia SM see loofe at his croc row cd a roni he ar breast the dressing 9 of Q i afir 4 ie two kroesing cro EsIng jamse am id t bf aibe the jaike tilia M 1 4 I 1 e 0 nl u TM M at I 1 1 a aale or tt 1 paws nit aj tho aress tog g I 1 IU ua 1 I tp epta 0 1 hound H alt the scars might re arcq fla thi pia hw va vw mant v veri prowl of sears scars yie jh oss that always bed b ia L that gi she was V as an accepted ace wald uj 14 si et sacred daughter 0 of the gods f 4 U i As h hr mother ca came ia near kvidt j v aw th W te teas malme tax rai tz r deab t J 41 so it Is ane ij bl fee gr g d she was rea taken you yon saw sa jt yo drsek tenar 11 and slie she proudly I 1 whose girl is this then 7 she is daughter of Ta maraca ra en the mother she djs a great SUL eukla 11 not ont ona wol will be greater than she f W 1 cje ee but in ia your hoase taid nna you care for focher her as if she were your ff does doeg not every one fio afi the mother replied led i a little impatiently Is bof every carlof hou hourlier slier hai home Is 19 iiii not every brow proul to serve dolores the daughter dai achter of the great gmt god g adl does doeg she not beni bear the sacred criss of 0 the gods af of tie sy D Erries ts yeras veras 6 I 1 elj C 41 seized ifer and aul ed her gentl y |