Show va Y c rt a di JC lm ck ft a SF 5 r AS t doiy rot illk ma X ti tee maka biake a ga ron hou 1 I daira daa dair A trib i 1 Lon for t 3 aisse if 3 0 i adie 1111 who wm te 11 you to ui AN ra tatt y a chifa 1 minced to godi efa at th ho bomea rdv cf f e g the fass teat wat va ft over shores c ageg of tat caribbean beanS Sea seating tint t aa the western weste world d airs le plus nt geo ceba tells in 0 abe e story of such ruch a canal cannibalistic tic s een br her beron on shore of au yucatan bialler tej isles hare came come to me a at tim J darins duri fig the they calra cara 0 f MY e na kith th tife the coasts 02 cen traUm 1 zi t j 1 VA i viere n lexi ra few NV up ered gr erive ve 6 oia d cai carias ais tell in me that they no i hortger kal bul human be beings 1 r feasts ani and their nt x I 1 sadness P in their tones toads asien r ten they the taked ta med of rigor ons au las ain made de by dewhite rig lits koput an aa wd end to the eating of ot people captured io if bat iv tle tie 0 I 1 wash CT of these rumors r cad nd limits only to goglad giad to accept t im an tion thit that seemed see d to td offer opportunity to learn leam tot foi iny self jast how lavi mabll troth brath might ife he beh bedad ad jl sliest tale 4 tl ve aidus ls front I 1 from the macai of that alter W re columbus ma madejs dehls second lin ding on the continent of america A and where the english englick planted colonies ahree three dif ferent A timm were com veiled to jo glo garrisons ano and J their colonists Z not a soul ashore seemed to know of our coming not a light glimmered not t a bolcs vol was heard i raade made not no noise asci enough ta awaked even a village tillage los dog G out from the ilie shadow of the slim came aaflie three canoes canoe 5 1 AS quietly as ghosts they glided toward us over the stu still waters A A dozer dozen hands grasped their walea waler aa as they rau gauged S ed dilou alongside asido ind sept them flomp touching even lightly against choo schooner ner our pas bangers pied bat kota of their belongings into thi can candey olgeir and follo followed wied thep the haskett has keta chere 6 was aps vps not hot efen a whispered word fice nn audible stroke of the paddle padd lei I 1 could not hear fear ai as much dinue i as vie fae lap adf of a ripple 2 against a bow a as S we tte made our dur way wa tri to shore where the canoes sad tp on the mud under un der the shadows of tie the man mang roves an aadil d w were ere lost list to step a ashore ih ore not a soul ai in ight as he teethe th way between the lio houses uses then hen t a banana patch antzou and on into a dho draag which marked the spot where ji a plin plantation tation h had d buce ones been at the v ve toot of it highkin highl high hin and had been on ski I 1 coned ti IB ami aulds a n leafy e 3 JS ded vine and d afo along be between the curtain unmade and ad ae ta rocky faes i of the caim the talat ate led from ahls white hit e shirt A minute I 1 later iti jarod w a smooth hard xa t i where I 1 could coul diee see no ray af pf f light we sto ad in diat ng n s cava of bf which eiry d dweller well er on the island of udia can tell ward my guide gaide picked ap g a few splinters of Iii elit the burning tor cathen ed led edt t nl enga deft cleft idd had been widen Where and there by he was as a blanket t which curtained tha passage IV he e t ucha touched 0 njg y and the ald edge ge q of the curtain T as drawn s side aside ide a tittle D b a h d fraia tho further farther side eide ther e elrd a few te whispered words and atiq kt lt halting alting we passed the the cut tain s J dusky forms of amen and w wo men squatted squatty d OIL oa their heels in arderi rows that reached round around the room I 1 at af one side sid was ewas a maii maa who held beld bf b bedfor f hia a cari abawi sit feat thil had for or its dowst brass wire which waa drawn in town towa the bow by a loop of finer w wire thai passo passed around both bowstring and bowa third oath el r length from their I 1 af pf er end endl hia loop 1 of df fine find wire wey hot bottom tom of almau S I 1 beep cup tb aiwas was the 6 woody 6 shell f a calas and firmly bound boun if ai ag adaui t th abac nf the fie end of t calfi calabash bash b bo I 1 turne open side down on the aws r 1 floor depth and vo t tot 1 ie not the y the performer held in one luinda allt ue tie wand of the deris dense tv bard t aai of af thi the matirko mair ko A flit ire with vilt and t it cleat iii rang aut iante u joined abl a chini wall iii frid arid fl a damir 0 the afcin kin afta peccary y stretched stretch acro e end ofa gation action bt hollow tolled out mt jimb of sord that filled the ave re with dav J sya sy A carved statue of soft oft stone on a table it m the middle dl e c f ili the ram room J its h hands da clasped seem eato efi to t tea te a ao a iv resting 1 oa tais aises es of the he ima coage 96 and wasa band thit that formed abc acc cur cu r ri riots ov shea s hea k ar irps ge on raid arid bra baw W were vae red ali dgreen and andria ilaa ck paint s sym bole coos of the 4 giaya Xi aya atho once q witla j cities temples an dother mon inells inen ls ofa of a thai the j bl 11 sarf ot bf adne t N p pora destroy troy ed d about s tho the aalst wals 0 kofl the ras sra b ec lra or pal pil pura ado a doraen do ged raed by a gred grea betic be ihal abid hii was MI aall i ath ali 2 a w hit gave lt t in an or dan on bf af arim burnore as lahe if he s led atee at aj ee amity Y aalfs 4 m laabi air who has i r za de eib eibs s real the cre create U oi 64 itea ance bled id forgotten d fiust wit a ss W tiny fIre bumen on tho the t bick ca of bf the ballai the stae siddi its strange lafranc la granc chiew wei 1 I M aidi cst na aria 11 ilet ie I ah ealta att of its ads Q d stood tw b 6 teas ol 01 cletas Is oray aray as a lucketta d 41 ia is the men wea ner these s efti tue r si i clr ca an fn aboa abad nerk cf ea baag s ohia teeth of a ignaci lettle va th depicted r i ass Z y the ham ler U lb ro wa A 0 of thie ilni atif v it Q 14 bi hil aid an aa al abber beeta FOJ WF ha be siisea A abid ageo aith d ry 44 auw or w danili sh chaj was a xa V rues t eWe gf fik the stag g cepi r V x a dm as a N r ps teb M aoda cail diat |