Show ARE ABE OUT GUT T r t a 0 51 oarra GEMS inn SUE tiui ciui emd ts j a OLD OID OI D sm RM 31 ssi ry la ala id ana inea cleaning ing j 41 stones how the jund and roi pol Is to n adueh M ak art Q E iau reo air w the trade 5 clr SUE leads ha the diamond trade tradeoff of ahe the I 1 more recent com pet lion of taxis Paris s lor LOB doa and antwerp to tb the united states alone nearly have been shipped since 18 the following ta bl shows tee te Increase of exports to the stats states durtt the amt cl 0 ast sevea seyen beas in ma T in ISS in a WK in 1889 in IA 1891 in J L t americano Ameri Arper icam caio m are ce th tb best chey wa havo aone but ahe beat ity diamonds ant water skater as aa y they ue are caned called and go BO it comes that our beau nizile with hiis tiis L rei tilts 0 of f dutch workman vf ecla inthis branch bf fry many of ane stones p equirk ng weeks acks and bf skilled tedious labor 1 I bodem improvements 21 in aadA iery ed and tools have rendered it possible for taoso of the gems to readi reach their fall bryin a tery short aime so 96 alaj after iiii ee or four hands la taa process and alit S enang ato a few inawat tint datch bittles dlf ties aad soine gutteron gut terol the a 0 prec clous toas thin things p are tat pat tor rest in downy mappings diady te 16 hd ha to the ends brids of tho bart ll zo ti D thi th n i d catter catler it t Is riot not the intent of f brief ard ae de to discuss the fae pl secal omd nd chemical properties of tills this ung klugg of juwels ler els nor to dwell at length on metallurgical 3 and i details 1 wl with th respect to the different countries where it is fadd newspaper ar kat well regarding new finisi 4 71 C 0 ayr polishing the facet to tim tini athi reports generally being by brief historic treatises on tac thc indest T often also are of amous gems in the possession of royalty or a mod ern era croesus which axe are said to be of ss prodigious brilliancy and enormous aari L what will perhaps berh ps pg be of antei Dt erest est to most people is ill ah in aul into the art of M the e fomond cutter r end nd bb ala su bordinat m for this purpose 4 ne nc better placa KUI cm be ba u city of bridges es and at gracli ad 1 1 en can canali 1 even it if the stranger un ca 0 nied with with the 66 maist i i decare dve invariably to tc ebery evar question the curt I 1 few veat VL visitors s adl bla bid idled to A tn ster dara without at least a super ilcia t 1 oi bof two of the dry diamond alamond cattin establishments ano they y employ tE together gether not mol ithan less bands ds mo clr Jew fer who ing the ali ingres labor betray tendencies at atme and mana manage 09 a steep seals scale ot wages sst or aka pre proprietors krietor are illse also wealthy israelites jot of rorai portuguese guese extraction whose shops are located r near etlie the Jef tish quarter A wight pei amerious AM rious kene annc may inay 1 witnessed ceyer every or on saturday the 1110 joish Jv ish babb h on the breeser at broadway fros F chub 1 0 to o curb the etrest la in fired filled with surging crowds of an w omen sabbath chattering 15 our tin and fit tj bisand ing hi sand and we life in true dotch jewish fashion fash lon cicar or tobacco s smoking ok jon that day daf galust the orthodox ZY ordinance ordin artem and not a vehicle ils permitted on oa ethdl ahe judg aing rom the glittering ghitti itzig stones on the thin z shirt fronte and the spark i hug crystals v to ohp b is evident that chot al the are oc ported ahe the which this f rater frater tit haiblen ahlai how been greatly gedwed in recent fears f years ears hag balne df bem tha rep uta she c abeln elgh allver and all arand r la iii dalbini the eipl evolution atlon of these hrs dous stones it suffices izes to state here hat that t ahe principal h fi ids ads occar in brazil south aari africa ca 1 and borneo although altai 0 ugh they brave to wn rallied with lan more i or e or arts 1 success ill sibella ani ana elsewhere e a V athe ithe ire arc brought to market i in bondor Loa doi and aad immella fely on the arriT alot of a shi ahle botsh jobbers and Amster daia bargain for thea catly cargo 1 A and Gl eaTing astha lizz St MI the ha amster r supper the stones nier arca as ab jecter abject ed first f ifil of ct ari to th the L of bf the cleavers th u asana i earn earn ohp highest ht hest wa g whick h idly ja jerage taw guil builders guilders ders per week the proprietor propriety pro tor lapa mus falso aln rely ent frIy cpr ape L their I 1 honesty it Ts ls true that th the 0 arop arty entrust oG to ahern Is jare care fally billy counted bat he is in a pad tion to a ciconte 4 their ind 1 c ott a mr nw netter or he be receives the J sape stones anath sam haufe e quantity i 1 return thel Their task requires great sam II 11 ans loa ong practice a i if a miscarried dea clea baze me som fines an aa irreparable bloss 1 I their work converts the rough t S P 11 H bier 0 t v 0 4 N 77 7 33 r gim 4 es 1 alo cartro shapes js crystals 37 r bilea and the e 3 on 1 edit be ty it velis 1 I A sis Y jaiS rafa bl Is efaw 1 I e tiia the teate in ial asness F ayag A ly oo 00 I 1 larger th 0 heads A farm 4 R the gaoa grbac aim of iii J biti i SOL Z ar spots ax ak 88 F ith ur uie V aos ds M m y L n at alie hantsa hen tSa nan filpi agolli the ceaf be J 4 r r 1 N issa A sc a A v V V S i r mentis aplan hen aba it has gott the rough stone Is prea ed cd bat ia so 0 nas n as its is hd hard find ak d corda W ril Ls Is thug plaice to irr al an tin n lion by ni maass mag of ft aver terr r t r 1 attached to a stcl i the ife ilik wa alp 21 s bogedin bored ia affie rough stone while great save cire J likan that nove none bf otha material Is wasted dit drying ring this pa part rt of th tha a tro pro eest L eba 13 1 y the te writy heavily athos ah obeal obtained n 7 1 y A 11 ife T fer ith a hammer stone afka ato two bar parts thes L archonti aro caitiff im tifis as nany babylo Ba nylo 0 47 W A i 12 ap tle dimo nd nence or J basett arab r J teto edas 0 abe work odthe of the cutter now begins eg ins the bore more tedius tedious out fully ae c rarie of iaz cuiter aci ili his wadei wages barely I 1 ex exceed ce cd 0 one 11 L t W I 1 h of the dey eiB he Is 1 fortanato for if 11 ho he cill caa are average age 2000 guil builders guilders ders per annum rosettes can alwa s be cut as such but thuu ta he can give the octoba oct ohron aron or dodecahedron shape Sisi process Is similar to that of thi first z an be als secures the sem gem in a cement bid bed and of another shap sharp cut diamond jie he forms foring tho the so called ta fa it afis Is ordy in recent re years that ri chinery lim hanseen beem applied in this part of worl on the larger gems with ith the smaller ones it has haq of i after taa th e stone has be beai ground groa d d oi down well it ls Is transferred to fo tha acl idlers lable the polisher although his work lou and ability seldom averaged avern aver agea taug Z rIl deti a year y he places the cleaned and cut in m one of if the grooves of a 6 disk before 11 him disk dias turns so io rapidly tb that tbt t toe the inife tob ie beai la imper 6 atthe the naked ta je it 11 appears toja perfect lr me tiie the e evolutions yo lutious the cryst crystal tal is pressed with a pair of small email tongs inthe in the groove facet has asu as assumed u med i a polish the ne stone I 1 Is fc turn ed ovar andover over until all the fac ebare ta iare faultless A thorough tho rout knowledge of crystallization and a awell we iraln ed taste in the formation n of bf the babli and the iam houi facets m ake ebent polisher ae s ot of nulu it t Is possible in this only to nun ahe whole crystal rry stal but also to badly damage the disk dish if the facets are not in accord with irith 9 the brillia brilliant at effect lg is sported azid iii some ome raf iray the adamantine adam s tefie sooae ie ra calves the der to eat cat into I 1 its U obort iron re ie cep tade 0 besides the many large arg establish ments there ere a i number of small dinall jewelers wp who purchase stones from jobbers afa the their r arli acce accept ut and elther either do belr bleir own wr ironle or hire hie it iadone done oblate of late much bauc ly of the alii work his has been alam a in the hands of women bome h and young girls especially tiu the cutting of rosettes roset teg which demand emch less leas la r labor than the bi brilliantz brilliants brilli ants i ane 1 agest dud aud 0 oldest firm Is 6 that of ali the alta baniel ni eVErDs bros but W ill here given have hi d bee einred rom r on the he shops of the Kampf raath j it takes takei ard a shalto to mase malre i a dobar tet a i guilder wi will I 1 aro procure in ainest amsterdam adir us as much a adji s la dol lar jat lu ln chicago in tent rent food end emd cloth afiz width nit the exception 0 costs about half a gurdevi jo po j find fid this W 3 la ia not bet because of the scarcity of cattle cat z dit afi m holland hom and but bul tie bk cane aw athe the best beekes are shipped to eng re Is hoyeler ho hoi yeTer a atea great t abunda abundance nc fish whick timae mit understand how to 1 pre prepare e s a well ix the good dutch ho housewife it if it agre nut mat for their th prodigality t i t t Q ars c ia 1 la in the poll most of the ss the thed 6 lamond ittris would lay lak by considerable capital for a rainy day Q |