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Show Ills Meddlesome Wr. Mr. Jones had contracted for the building of n dwelling house, tlio price of which wns to bo ?3000. Having abundance of lelsuro on his bands, he went occasionally to see how tho work was progressing. Ills first notoworthy discovery wns thnt tho workmen were not living up to the specifications In tho matter of tho foundation. Ho went to the contractor. "Mr. Smith," ho snld, "the plan for my house calls for n foot-nnd-a-half foundation wall, doesn't It?" "Yes, sir." "Well, tho men are laying n one-foot wall. I must Insist upon your living up to the letter of the contract." Mr. Smith, annoyed, repaired Immediately Immedi-ately to tho scene of operations and gave orders for tho building of tho foundation according lo specification. V few days Inter Mr. Jones discovered discov-ered thnt the workmen wero not using the kind of brick lu the main wall that was specified In the contract. Mr. Smith, In rcsponso to nn energetic ener-getic remonstrance, corrected this mis-tnke, mis-tnke, nlso. Then Mr. Jones found cut thnt the masons wero not "tying" tho wall by laying every seventh course crosswise, ns provided In the specifications. Tlio contractor remedied this likewise. t Things went smoothly nfter that until un-til tho carpenters began to do the Inside In-side work, when Mr. Jones ascertained thnt tlio lumber was of an Inferior grade, nnd not nt all whnt hnd been ngrced upon. He went to the contractor contrac-tor nnd made another complaint this time lu language decldely uncomplimentary. uncompli-mentary. Then Mr. Smith's patience gave way. "Seo here, Mr. Jones," ho said, In thu tono of nn Injured man, "If you keep on meddling lu this way, how d you suppose I nm going to make nny money out of this Job?" Youth's Companion. |