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Show EXCURSIONS ON THE SABBATH. New York Clergyman Introduces and Defends Innovation. ' Mr. Mottel of a downtown church In New York has planned a series of personally conducted Sunday afternoon after-noon excursions for a mission club for his parish, which numbers about 400 girls from tho factories and shops of tho city. Ho will taku tho noddy on tho slght-Bcelng trips by yacht and automobile, as well as to tho Metropolitan Metro-politan Museum of Art and similar Institutions In-stitutions which hnvo open doors on Sunday. "Cnll It popularizing religion or what you tuny," miyn the minister, "the undertaking Is In accord with common kciisc and with puro religion. There rnn bo no reasonable objection to our joiuig girls tnklng surh excursions excur-sions on Sunday nflernnoiiR, especially when they havo shown a respect for tho day by attending dlvlno service In tho morning." |