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Show A Trxchor For Fifty Years. John M. Hoys, cf Clajtou, bears the proud distinction of being tbo oldest teacher both in point of years mid servlco of any man In Western Massachusetts Massa-chusetts or Connecticut. Mr. Hoys is now nctlng as tutor lu tho family of Mr. and Mrs. William Cantleld, Just over the line In Cauuau Valley, Conn. Mr. Hoys wns born March 4, 1831, nnd began teaching tit the ngo of twenty-two, und with tho exception of two years it has been his life's work. He lias tutored lu many of the prominent families lu the vicinity of his home nud two generations of the Ciinllcld family owo their education to him. Grent Harrington Correspondence, Springfield Union. |