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Show PASTOR REPAIRS HIS CHURCH. New Jersey Clergyman Believes In Good Works. Hev. Seahury Wheeler, pastor of tho Woodrltrr clinpel ot North Ilergon, N. J., who learned tho carpenter's trndo before ho studied for the ministry, minis-try, Is converting tho cellar of tho chapel Into n room for Sunday school sessions and church sociables. Ho is doing tho work without nny assistance. assist-ance. Tho domlnlo told n membor ol tho ladles' Aid Society several weeks ago that If tho Boclcty raised $100 to buy the lumber for tho floor nnd walls ho would do tho carpenter work. The women hustled around nnd collected tho cash and tho minister got the lumber. lum-ber. Then ho donncl an old pair ol trousers and started In to keep hit part of the contract. |