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Show NO 8LEEP FOR MOTHER Baby Covered With Sores and Scales Could Not Tell What 8he ;oked Like Marvelous Cure by Cutlcura. "At four months old my baby's faco and body wero so covered with sores and largo scales you could not toll what sho looked like. No child ever had a worso caso. Her faco was being oaten away, and oven her finger nails fell off. It Itched bo sho could not slcop, and for many weary Lights we could get no rest. At last we got Cutlcura Soap and Ointment. The sores began to heal at onco, and Bho could sleep at night, and In ono month sho bad not ono soro on her faco or body. Mrs. Mnry Sanders, 709 Lprlng St., Camden, N. J." |