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Show THE ICE HAD VANISHED. Pleasure of Anticipation All Thirsty Man Qot. "Can you Imagluo having a burning favor and no Ico within a hundred miles?" began the man from Mexico at a dlnnor tho other night. "Did It glvo you a foretasto of hades fashed ono. "No foretasto," ho declared; "It was hades Itself. I was stricken In a new mining camp In tho dryest part of the Mexican mountains. Thero was no tee; tho drinking water was lukewarm nnd worse. " 'Thoro Is Ico to lio lind at tho coast,' snld one.' And tho coast was ' only n hundred miles away. I offored n fortunn for a slnglo piece, nnd n relay re-lay of Indian runners wns arranged. Thoy wero to get as big n piece as hoy could carry and run It Into tho camp with all imsslblo speed." "I'll wagor you enjoyed It?" snld the bostons. "Oh, yes. I onjoyod It. That Ico when It reached mo was nothing but a steaming hot rag." |