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Show Japanese Idea of Deauty. , Prof, Uhftkurn Yoshlsflburo, author of "Tho Japanese Spirit," thii describes de-scribes tho Japanese Idoal of wo-saml; beauty: "Sho Is lo ponoss a bodj not much exceeding live feel Id height, with comparatively fair skin Rnd proportionately wolI-de eloped limbs; a head covered with long, thick and Jet-black hair; an oval fnc with a straight nose, high and ni row; rather largo eyos, with largo deep-bronn pupils and thick eye lashes; a smnll mouth, hiding behind Its red, but not thin, lips; oen rows of small white teeth; enrs not altogether alto-gether small, and long nnd thick eyebrows eye-brows forming two horizontal but slightly cuned lines, with a spacs left between them and the cyeB " |