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Show JURY FAILED TO AGREE. Second Trial of Congressman William- son Proved Abortive. Portland, Ore For a Bccond tlmo, aftor deliberating for ovor forty hours a Jury In tho United Status district court on Friday reported to Judge Do Haven thnt thoy wero unable to roach an agreement in tho caso of tho United Unit-ed States against Congressman J. N. Williamson, Dr. Van Gossnor and For-mor For-mor United Stn'os CommlBslonor Marlon O. Illggs charged with conspiracy con-spiracy to suborn porjury In connection connec-tion with tho securing Illegally of part of tho public domuln, and was discharged. dis-charged. At the provlous trial tho Jury was discharged after deliberations which lasted almost two days. |