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Show DRIVEN INSANE BY ACCIDENT. eather of Girl Killed at Grade Crossing Cross-ing Goes Mad. Cleveland, O. Reports from vnrl-oiih vnrl-oiih hospitals to which tho victims; of Sunday night's grndo crossing accident acci-dent wero taken hIiow that only ono denth had occurred, but six of tho badly Injured will probably dlo. At least n scoro of other passengers on tho street car received moro or less serious wounds. James Martin, whoso young daugn- tor was killed whllo Ills wlfo nnd two other children feero badly Injured, 'Is reported to bo Insano ns a result ot tho nccldont, Mrs. Martin Is nut expected ex-pected to llvo. Martin went to tno hospital whero tho physicians wero ibout to opcrato upon his daughter and Btruck ono of tho physicians. |