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Show 0ISHPANS MAY BE MUSICAL Man Who Sleeps Mornings Thinks They Should Be Keyed to a Diatonic Scale. "For a long tlnio," said the man who Blfpa mornings, "I have been toping that nonie one would arise and Invent dlt,h (ana In K flat and kettles In G major. The family above me apparently ap-parently always washes Its dinner dishes the morning after. "Yet I do not know that the bang of a dlnh nn Is an bad as the Mo lartiun melodies din penned by the occasional oc-casional hand organ. I have about come to the conclusion, however, that two generations hence mankind will be tblo to reili-h any metallic nolae as mmle. Tin ro Is Hlchard Stratum, you know, and Claude De')urry. We have got wonderfully ued to sheer cacophony caco-phony ami same of us maintain, with what truth I do not know, that we like It. "If I thought that In 20 or r0 years wo noiiUl be able to enjoy the dish lan and kettle motifs I would never again comp'nln. Hut I think that sine we are making auch strides In the direction di-rection of enjoying harsh sounds the Inventors might meet us half way ty Inventing vets of houseware keyed to diatonic scale." |