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Show ht..PN4 k'ttN tells WedfcjJ txrJtK K-il-J WT.ilJ taeJt) MiJsS Mnk4 uoitW UlM Mr. Wentworth's Dog Dy DONALD ALLEN tlomnlil, iwii. l AuucialMl Literal J 1'ims ) It waa 2 o'clock In tho afternoon on a certain ilrty when Mlrni Kthel lllalno left the manor house, known a Tho Willows for a walk down tho highway Hint then a turn to the left Into the IiIIIh. There wan a cave there among tho rucka ami scrutipincg, ami It was her Intention to pay It a visit. At Junt the santo hour, on the name afternoon. Mr. HukIi Went worth left tho manor house known as The l'op-larn l'op-larn for a walk tip the highway ami then turn to the rUht Into th hillH. There were partridges anions tho plneM, and he had hln pun alotiR to make vIctiuiH. lie w an aceompani d hy hl.i dog. It wasn't a lilf.h hred dog and a thing of beauty, hut he had a mission to perform before getting off the earth. The distance between Tho Willows Wil-lows and The poplar was two mile, i There witfn't n willow within three j tulle of The WIHowh ami thcro wiua't i a poplar within four mile of The Pop-I Pop-I lars. MP lllalno had JuhI returned homo from a year out west, and Mr. Went worth hud been chll tnglneer-lug tnglneer-lug In the pouth. Ml ;s Kthel found tho rave all rlsht. It wasn't much of a rave. One sitting sit-ting down In It wua only four feet from tho entrant'". There was romance there, however. One could nit down on a stone and hear the pines whispering, the aqulr-re'.s aqulr-re'.s chattering nnd the partridge j clucking One ould think of the In-j In-j iHitu maiden who committed. Vulcldo there r: t h. r than wed a rich youni! whio man. Count rfelt r and horso thieves h;id toed that cave, (ialhmt knights hail riept there and cooked their own breakfast of bacon an. I egg while out in tour to rescue damsels all forlorn. Lover had hat there and pledgi d their vow. No plaeo could have been better adapt, d to meditation. True, a nrt of animal odor citing to ti e cave, but one could think of tho past and wonder won-der over the future. Many Kirl have f'' 'j 1 O He Wt Accompanied by Hi Dog. to n.edit.ite on street rortier and In hack yard. Ml" KHiel had isat In tho cave meditating for a long half hour, and had become ideepy over It. whin tho do? of deHtlny aroused her He uttered a bark dose by, ami she heard a human volco not far away crying out : "Sic 'em. Hover! flo for It. old boy!" M tho back cid of tho cavo there wan a Hinall tunnel bi'tveon Jagtvd rock. The girl thought ho heard a Ktlr link there, and tho animal odor b fa'Me moro pronounced, "Hunt Mm down hunt him down!" fried tho volco a the dog barked and whined. The ,rg appeared at tho mouth of tho cave and glared and prowled at tho girl. Me had rcen girl before, but never one In a rave. She wasn't on h Ih master' land, hut she van In lriibiii h and a nnploloim person. And the dog'n mater, who peenietj to ho delayed k.v 'fo tang'e, nhouteil ai;aln: "Co In, Hover r,n In! I!y Ceorgo, I he!iev It'll a fox! After hi scalp old u 'in'" T!e u r-l f ir. !;' d n wa at the hack end of tho rave, and who ld I n koep'n ta on the p!rl fro-n t!.o fr t. n a le a rush fe.r fre d'vi. At the . ! rnnnu-nt tho dog ! ti:ad" a r'ish IrtT t!ie rave. Vi' K"-e to h knocked i n a?i!'i. a';d while the anlma't . n. (!( mi ? tn's'.le er bidy up ram Mr W riwr!h srd b'.Tje.i iiwsir with I.If n'.iotgun. Me a an excltabla young man. lie put a many thou Into In-to ft ih2 a be did Into the fr,t, arid t le,i t one ururk the gtrl In tha fcaiol and alir.lK'.e,! ber materially to te:e;i n i nt. If'? and f wrns;!ed awnv Pi'o the i lu- to;th'T. nnd tho pnr'r hunter te; pe.J forward and eT-':il:i d: I":ne:i kUve. but I've k!lle(l a r!rl." "No. you haven't!" n tho reply a N'ls Kthel arcse and hi Id mt her b'eeding hand "No. you haven't llllod mo. bet It Isn't jour fault. You meant to do It!" "Hy dear alios M!s -" "Oh. you needn't u.nJie any v cuhor! Mow can you say you didn't see mo before you fired T Of course, you saw mo!" -Hut I didn't-bolleva mo, I dldn'tt I'm sorry, you know! I never can forgive mynelf. Mere let mo bind your hand with my handkerchief. Ah, tho shot did not penetrate! II struck and glanced off. Tho scratch will ba well In a week." "It may, or blond poloon may set In. ! never saw such a piece of care-lessnesH. care-lessnesH. Why didn't you look to see If I wa here before you fired? Why, you might have fired all tho shot Into my face!" "Hut you see, my dear Miss Miss " he replied as ho was busy tendering first aid, "bow did I know that there wa a girl In this cave? I didn't oven know there was a cave. I didn't know there was a fox In the cavo. I might to have known ye. I ought to have known, but I didn't, you see, and I beg to ai suro you that the wound Is only a slight one." "Hut I say you might have killed a Klrl!" "Yen, ye, but I didn't, and I can never bo grateful enough, Do you feel weak ami dizzy, MIhh Miss " "And that dog of yours," she said, without heeding hi question "b must bo an Idiot of a. dog!" "Mo la ho surely Is." "Mo ought to have waited t til the fox got out of tho cavo." "1 know I know, anil I'll speak to him about It. That Is, I'll give him a thrashing. Yes, he should have Invited In-vited the fox to come out. You bo-llevo bo-llevo mo when I say I regret the Incident, In-cident, don't you?" "Why why, I suppose I do. ami I hope It will bo a great moral h ssou to you." , ' It will It surely will." "Then, If your gun Is unloaded, ami your dog can behave himself, you may walk to tho highway with mo. I do feel a bit weak, and 1 don't cam to faint away here." "Heaven forbid! Miss Miss , my name Ih Hugh Wentworth, of Tha Poplars. If you fool a falntness coming com-ing on, I will look for some water." ' "I think possibly I can got home," was tho reply, as the girl tumid away her head to smile. As a matter of fact, after the first shock she had enjoyed tho situation. Never In all her nineteen years before be-fore had sho had a chance to "sas" a good looking young man. Me had given hi name, ami of course waa dying to get hers, but sho wasn't giving giv-ing In. As they reached tho highway high-way sho said: "I think I can get homo from hero, as you aro kind enough to say that I nm not mortally wounded!" "Hut, no, no, no! I could never forgive for-give myself. Hero comes tho deg after aft-er it. Khali I load tho gun and shoot him?" "Don't put all tho blame on th poor dog. Mo didn't have the gun!" "I see- I see. Desr mo, I shall never nev-er fhoot another girl In all my life!" This was snld In s.jcli lorn otne tones ami the young man seemed so crushed to earth that Miss Kthel couid restrain her mirth no longer. In reply to her peal of laughter Mr. Wentworth halted, and ca'it a quick, glance at ber nnd then rxcjulmed: "You havo forgiven me! I shall walk home with you! You will give mo your name!" And sho walked and he walked and tho dog walked. Yes, they all walked to Tho Willows, and the young man and his dog were Invited in ami tho immortal wound redressed. After that Well, thing are getting along so nicely that there are occasions occa-sions when Mrs. lllalno Is heard U sigh and exclaim: "Mow am I to get along after Kthel leaves me!" There's Truth In It. Jack London, nt a publishers' dinner In New York, said of Industry: "The toy who starts at tho bottom In norne I lg concern thinks all he need to do-Is do-Is to work hi very best, and then bis employer will raise him up and up till, finally, he I made general manager. As a matter of fact, tho truth Ilea nearer liiiwson's case. "'LawHon,' raid tho head of a rich firm. 'I have noticed that you work with amazing I'st. No detail of lh hn-ine.'B 1 too small to escape you. No task too hard. You are the first to arrive In tho morning, you are the last to leave at ' "'Oh. thank you. air. Thank you, fir,' crbd Ijiwson, expecting bis salary sal-ary to be doubled. "Hence, Ijiwron,' his employer e-ided, with a marling laugh. 'I'll apk you to dig out the flrt of the mentis, i It Is nun of your caliber who get hu Irefg down pat and then go and 1 start rival establithmrnts In the neat block. " Expert Advice. "How king does It take to icaro how to run an automobile?" "You'll need about three days tc acquaint yourself with the worklns pert of the machine and a week tc master the vocabulary." Result of Position. "What a peculiar gait your friend Hobbles has." "That's because tie Is the sort of man who la always on the fence." |