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Show THE UTAH BUDGET reach day at Hrlgham City will be observed this year on .September 17. It la announced, that John H. Colt?-er Colt?-er will uci-ed J. l KldiiilKe, Jr., as United Slates ussayer for l.'tah. Tlit teachers Institute of Carlton county will convene In Trice St'l'ttMti-ber St'l'ttMti-ber 3 and wilt iont inu In sestiloii three days. John Culley, an 0d-n l:vslst, hu HMn elected second vice president presi-dent of t'.ie National Asociatlun Hoard of Pharmacy. IHvid Hunter Cook, who was born In the Territory of Utah fifty-two yinr uno, di-l at hi home In Salt Lake, August 24. Christian Petersen, 60 years of age, of Suit Lake, was almost Instantly killed near the Garfield smelter Monday Mon-day when a moving crane struck him. The Scandinavian reunion held al l'rovo last week proved a success In every way, over 2,000 people from outsldu towns being guests of the city. Pernard J. Stewart, a Salt Lake attorney, was riding a horse near Kaiihus when the animal fell to the Itottom oi a gulch, Mr. Stewart's leg being broken. Mount Pleasant sent In the three heat estays on "Why Come to Utah" n the Utah Ieve!optnent league contest con-test recently closed, and the first prime oea to J. C. Murdock. P. J. Puller of Salt Lake, one of tie victims of the street car accident In Ogden canyon on July 4,' has recovered re-covered sufficiently to leave the hospital hos-pital for brief periods. John W. II, Morris, a colored preacher, has been arrested at Salt Lake on a charge of marrying Mrs. Katie Schroder, a white woman, to Charles Tillman, a negro. Kwln Richardson, a negro, Is at a Salt Lake hospital suffering from tevere ruts and slashes about the tbdomen, alleged to have been In-uicted In-uicted by Pert Holly, also a negro, luring a drinking brawl. It Is not known yet whether the Salt Iake banks will receive any part of the $50,000,000 which Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo propones to distribute dis-tribute among the banks of the country coun-try as a crop moving fund. An engine and three loaded ore enra lot beyond control and after a mad uight of nearly a half mile, smashed into cars loaded with merchandise and dynamite, but fortunately the dynamite did not explode. Diving from the highest point at the I goon bathing resort, Osel II. Her. qulst. a private of company K, Fort Itouglas, was seriously Injured. His neck was badly wrenched, and It was at first thought It was broken. .'Pitching headlong from a porch bait-Any to the cement walk, fifteen feet hflow. Madeline Hackney, the 19-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kay Hackney of Salt Ike, escaped with but slight scratches and bruises. . hlle rldlr.g on the merry go-round at Lagoon with a woman friend of Salt Lake, Ralph W. Condon. 25 years of age, was stabbed. In the right shoulder shoul-der by a unidentified soldier, who Is said to have been Jealous of Condon. Theodore Tobiason. named to succeed suc-ceed A. T. Johnson as president of the five-dish mission, has left Salt Lake, and be Is now on his way to bis new post. He has been a resident resi-dent of Forest Dale ward for twelve years. Jacob Ixe, 17 years of age, recently re-cently from Germany, suffered fatal Injuries when he was caught between be-tween the shaft wall and the platform plat-form of an elevator in Salt Lake, death occurring a few hours aftr the accident While pushing a truck loaded with express packages, George W. Harper, 26 years of sge, night cleilc for the Globe Express company at the R. O. W. depot, felt fainting as the result of a hemorrahage of the lungs and died shortly after. Sheepmen of American Fork are making arrangements to ship their lambs to the Kansas City market. Within the next two weeks there will be shipped by local owners in the neighborhood of fifteen thousand besd of spring lambs. According to lue report of Herman Harms, state chmlst. who made an analysis of the samples of Ogden river riv-er and Wheeler creek water, nothing waa found In the water that would make It dangerou to the health of the residents of Ogden. A runaway team belonging at Gar land, dashed down Main street running run-ning over the 2-year-old son of W. T. Hudson, crushing the child s foot on the pavement and breaking his leg. Two small children who were In the vehicle, were thrown out and badly bruised. Seized with despondency Max Ru-dowaky, Ru-dowaky, aged 5, committed suicide In a clothing store In Salt Ijike. where he hd been employed nearly six years. The dead body, with an ugly bullet wound In the brain, was discovered by his employer. Although there wai only a slight Increase In-crease la the grating area of the Fourth forest district there has been an Increase of 301.744 besd of stock-grazed stock-grazed on the area during the last fiscal year, according to the annual statistical report, complied by District Dis-trict Forester Shermsn. The success of dry farming In Park an1 Curtew valleys this yesr Is as-suvd. as-suvd. la that retloa lOO.Ooo bushels of train are being harvested and threshed. This season 1.000 acres of ' dry farm land was brought under col-1 tivatlon for the first time. ' |