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Show MS MILKING MACHINES IN FAVOR Eacerpt From Bulletin Gives Conclusions Conclu-sions Arrived at by Experts of New York Station. The New York experiment station, after extended Invmiiitalloiia covering a period of live yearn, hue reached the coiicluflon that tlx milking iiinchine In not only practical but has solved the problem of lubor on the dairy farm. The Intestigatlone re shown In Hulletln No. 3.' by O. A. Btnltu and Dr. II. A. Harding. Th following excerpt from the Ilul-Iff Ilul-Iff in almas the conclusion of the New York station men: "The success of the milking ma rhtne, like any other machine. Is closely close-ly associated with the personality of the operator. During the experiment the machine have been operated by six different men, all of whom have done at least fairly well. In this study tbe attempt has been made to contrast the machine and hand methods of milking at their best. Unquestionably tt takes a higher grade man to operate a milking machine successfully than to band milk a cow equally well. There Is every reason to think that In the hands of careless operators the machines will work Injury to the cow, but the same result Is too often obtained ob-tained from Inefficient band milking. "The most Important point of this study covered the Influence of thi machine on the flow of milk. Of this the authors say: "This study of the Influence of hand and machine methods upon tbe flow ol milk covers a period of over four years and Includes 71 lactation periods after eliminating tbe queetionable data. The Influence of the machine method upon the flow of milk was too small to be measured even when the other factors were eliminated aa fully as possible. It was probably responsible respon-sible for less than one per cent. In the variation of the flow under the conditions condi-tions of the experiment. All of the cows milked well with tbe machine when they were provided with proper fitting milk cups. Two cows which were failures aa hand milkers were successfully milked with the machine." ma-chine." The milking machine Is an economic econo-mic necessity. There may have been many failures. They were due to many causes. As the machlnea become be-come more common and dairymen are familiar with tbe essentials to be ob-. ob-. served In the operation, these difficulties diffi-culties will be overcome. |