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Show CONCERT Concert to be given by the Beck listers In the Marsnnl Hall In DelU n Friday evening. September 12. The program will consist of quartettes, ioIos, duets and reaJings. Mrs. Jan-jary Jan-jary will assist as accompanist Concert Con-cert will begin at 1:30. Admission, 10c and 20c. Dance following. FARM LOANS Six per cent loans on farms, orchard ands. city resident or business prop-rty, prop-rty, to buy, build. Improve, extend, r refund mortgages or other securl-les; securl-les; terms reasonable; special privt eges; correspondence Invited. Dept. : U Commonwealth Bldg, Denver, :oio. It costs Uncle Sam only oneienth if a rent to wash and Iron a green ack. MR. LAND BUYER t You can make 1100 per dsjr t ly spending a week la looking around nd picking up a bargain in real es- c ate. ! can get you good bargains In c nd from 3 to S miles from DelU for c res money than you will pay for land t wlce as far out See me' first , N. B. DRES3ER, g Chronicle Office. , WANTED. a Spaa of mare about 1250 pounds, arwess and wagoa. disk plow and arrow, rake and drilL IL E. 8 her- t Ick, West DelU. 1 |