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Show nonius SVVEPTBY FLOOD DOUBLE CLOUDBURST CAUSEt MUCH DAMAGE AND ONE LIFE IS LOST. Home Flooded and Many Persons Have Narrow Escapes From '.drowning, '.drown-ing, the Retidenco Section of City Being In Path of Flood. Kly, Nevnda. One life was lout, many persons had narrow escapes from drowning, the resident- section of the city threatened with den true tlon, and heavy property loss caused Tuesday by a flood which awept Kly at noon. A double cloudburst, caused by two severe electrical storms In the mountains moun-tains above the town, started a rax lug torrent down Murray canyon, where are most of the residences. Lower stories of scores of homes were flooded with sand and watci cn In numerous residences furniture furni-ture was almost completely ruined. Charles Hillock, assistant manager of the Northern hotel, waa drowned In the cellar of bis building, lie, with Charles Vautrln and Omar t'pwall, attempted to save a stored stock ot cigars after the cellar began to fill with water. The force of the current caved la the callur wall, and the three men were caught In a whirlpool. Vautrln and Upwall were rescued by cutting a hole In the floor, but 1 1 11-lock, 11-lock, weakest of the three physically, was beyond help when taken out. The plant of the Ely Light & Pow er company was put out of commit alon and the telephone exchange building was badly damaged ty the riiHhing waters. The flume which supplies the town with water wan washed away. Many thrilling escapes were re ported. Tina Lewis, a 12-year-old girl, carried her baby sinter waist deep through the swirling waters from her flooded borne and then returned re-turned to help her sick mother to e cape. The daughter of Charles Morris Mor-ris was swept from bis arms, but she was draged to safety by two men. The family of Nick Lewis, who lived some distance above the floor of the valley, felt secure from the flood, but a torrent came pouring down a side canyon and entered the windows of the residence. The action of Tina Lewis In saving ber mother and slater made ber the heroin ol the day. |