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Show IMPROVE THE ROADS During the next few months there will be a lot of teaming over the roads. There will be grain to haul to the market mar-ket and the mill, and hogs and lumber lum-ber to haul back. While the roads have been In fair condition this summer sum-mer except for dust and chuckboles, when the fall rains come tbla dust and these chuckboles will be converted Into ntudholes and the roads will be almost Impassable, as they were last fall. The farmers beve been trying to get' the county commissioners to do something for the road since last spring, but not a dollar haa been expended ex-pended on them. We think It Is hope-lews hope-lews to expect them to do anything in time to be of any benefit thla fall. The farmers will have to get busy themselves. Just as soon aa they get through with threshing tbey ought to divide the tract up into sections, appoint ap-point someone to Uke charge of each section and get the farmers out on some appointed day and put the road In order. m With a few, teams, plows, scrapers and a road drag it would not take long to make a good road from the townslte to the bridge and on every side road where there were half dozen farmers. In the ssme way a good road could be made from Delta south to the Oasis road. With the roadbed once roundd up to shed water It would be In good shape all winter. Will the farmers do this, or do they prefer to wear out their teams hauling small loads for the D-it six months? |