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Show fff Gok your dinner the jl right way. Set your tab e the right way. We have Knives, Forks Spoons, everything (or the table. - A foot cun ahattr a wine man's argument with an Idiotic laugh. ENJOY LIFE by drinking good Tea, Hewlett's Luneta This fine Tea is the first picking of Japan's best Tea and has that rich, delicious flavor, which critical Tea drinkers so much enjoy. , Cmupnmm tar ltora Unm Wlftf war km vry pa'kai ICvcry Rlrl lum an lUa that Hho Is not liko otht-r glrln and sho Isn't. Knowing how J? Being willing- p) Having facilities All these- are factors In f$jiij Servlre j :!jJo3 Try tho Srvir of fk'M Walker Brothers Bankers !!!:M3 I.UH'IIMH Salt Lake City "f i'tl You can bank hrie Ly nail and uilijlg grt " Vlatkrt Dank Sv.ce." Tnith may aliw be a Joy forever, but It Is seldom a thing of beauty. F We are general agents lot 1 Reliable' Incubators and Brooders, "Clipper1 Fanning Fan-ning Mills and "Simplex1 Cream Separators. n C A! tatty a line of tupplie lot Seed-neo, Seed-neo, Poullrrorn, Dainrnen, Sli-men, Sli-men, etc We uh local agrnU. Blackman & Griffin Co. Write m. OgJeo UtaL a aa-wfcnri A POSITIVE -A TE. B lft3K MANLNT CURE F0 !yCT5 Liquor and lll!.,il Drug Addictions Tfcara b a aaaaaiT. aa akaaM. u4 m tnmth b no awa U THE KMXtT IN-trilUTE IN-trilUTE 1M . M ttmM in. S Ulw C4 wmr mm mm OUR LAThNT II.LUHTK4T-la II.LUHTK4T-la If ! a Kt CATAUMiUR. Ktpiaina I kl L L hnw we t-. 0 tartxr lral in " rifiit wk. fml nr rt' ajaaaBi MJLCM iAHSBH COLLEGE U Cuiaun-roiaJ Him( : MALT laAKK Ult |