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Show THE NEWS FROM FILLMORE Fdfic Affairs and Local Happenings tt tta County Seal Last Saturday night the Millard County High School Basketball team defeated the Millard Academy team In a hotly contested game in the "Tom-klnsoti" "Tom-klnsoti" hall Tho crowd was large and excited. The rooting was good, especially by the "bunch" from Hlnck-ley. Hlnck-ley. After the game the teams were banqueted by tho Domestic Science department of the homo school. Tho Mothers' Social league met last week at the home of Mrs. Chloe Day. Mrs. Eva Smith read a paper on "Fear In Children." Mrs. Catherine Rasmus-son Rasmus-son gave a sketch of the life of James Russel lx)well. Each member of the club, at the call of the roll, gave & quotation from Mr. Lowell. This way ot answering the roll call Is observed at each meeting. Next week the other halves will be Invited to a jolty good time at Mr. Lizzie Cnrllngs. Last Tuesday night at the Central School house a Parents' and Teachers' league was organized. At a previous meeting Mr. J. Frank Day, Mrs. II. C. Lewis and Mr. Rufus Day were choB-en choB-en a committee to prepare a constitution constitu-tion to govern the proposed society. The committee was also given the power pow-er to propose nominations of officers. The committee made tho following nominations: For president, Mr. Richard Rich-ard T. Ashby; for Mrst Vice-President, II. C. Lewis; for Second Vice-President, Alonzo Huntsman; for Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Eva Smith. Societies end clubs seem to bo an epidemic In Fillmore thl winter. We have a Mothers Social League, a Minnehaha Min-nehaha club, a Ilachelors' club, a Parents' Pa-rents' and Testers' league, end final-. -.Tv '.;.;- ..C a -.-o uty xr : T ' t ' girls. This la.it named society was or-" ganlzed at the home of Miss Ethel Day. A yet, however, we have not learned the names of the officers or other details. Mr. Hazen Stevena recently bought the Abe Carllng home for. It Is reported, re-ported, twenty-four hundred dollars. Ruby boy born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frampton, January 26, 1912. Considerable excitement and Indignation Indig-nation has been aroused over that part of the new game law proposed by Fish and Game Commissioner Chambers, Cham-bers, which provides that a license must be paid before one can kill a pack rabbit, and that the salaries the game official be Increased from two to six hundred dollars a year. The legislature will likely have sense enough not to pas the law as proposed. propos-ed. If they do, the outrage will likely sound the death knell of the Republican Repub-lican party In Southern Utah. In any event, the people have the satisfaction of knowing what ffpry and Chambers care for their rights. Governor Spry bffore election promised to work for a bounty on rabbits and squirrels. We haven't found any mention of such a thing In his message. Perhaps a license li-cense to kill s the kind of bounty he meant. Our conscience, however, Is clear. Millard county didn't do much to place Spry where be Is. |