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Show NEWS OF OUR NEIGHBOR C&llisrtd by the Editor b His Week Rounds A Tery Interesting series of debate U being held at the academy, the final victors to receive a $5.00 prize offered by the student body. Last week Wednesday Wed-nesday Mr. ISadger anil Miss Nlelsoo of the second years, debated against' Mr. Wood and Ivln Hilton of the first years on the question of the elective course of Millard Academy. The decision de-cision was unanimous for the negative as upheld by the second years, although al-though the first years had the host side of the question. It was their first experience In debate, however. This week Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Allred of the fourth years debate Edna Justenson and Wilford Hilton of tho third years on the question of a six and a half month school year for Millard Mil-lard county. The operetta "Sylvia," presented lust Friday evening by the Academy, Choir under Mr. Earl Stott's direction, was a decided success. Most of those taking part had never had experience In anything of the sort before and therefore It would be unfair to cxpec, the freedom or naturalness of profes--slonals or the perfect harmony of trained singers. Hut the whole evening even-ing was most enjoyable and the choruses were particularly good. The costumes were very pretty and appropriate. ap-propriate. A great deal of credit Is due to Mr. Stott for his careful training train-ing and to Miss Norma Dantron fori her very successful accompanying at the piano. I There Is a new baby boy at the) home of Roy Webb In Hinckley, and, one at Chas. Durke's. Last Friday Dr. Uroaddus and Dr Srerena lopersitf upon LticJU-Hilt 4 J for appendicitis. The relief hall has been turned Into a temporary hospital for the case. It Is certainly a noble use for such a building. The operation should have been performed on Tuesday, when Dr. Itraoddus was first railed In, but the girl and her parents would not consent to the operation until after the appendix had burst, making the case a very serious one Indeed. So far, however, everything Is doing finely, although It Is too early yet to be free from danger. The academy lost the game at Mil-more Mil-more by S points, but all the spectators spec-tators said It was a fine game and the students report having had a fine time at the banquet and dance. We'll I beat them when they come over here, though, if we can. Dr. Uroaddus was called to Fill-Inore Fill-Inore Wednesday In consultation on an Insanity case. There Is a good assortment of fine unruled stationery at the Cash Drug store; also several kinds of face cream to stop the ravages of our dry elkallne winds. There are magazine to read while you wait and magazines to buy. Come In and make yourself comfortable. |