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Show FROM LINCOLrrS GREAT SPEECHES fammmmummmwmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmm I I had not provided the flag; I had not made the arrangemente for elevating ele-vating It to Its place. I had applied but a very small portion of my feeble strength In raising It. In the whole transaction I waa In the hvnde of the people who had arranged It. And If I can have the eame generoua co-operation of the people of the nation, I think the flag of our country may still be kept floating glorloualy. Cpeerh In Indepondonca Hull, Ket. V, IKfl, Pja .'eajaSSaa 4asAaaaBSa 'aSSBiafW' fspsv I f j "" .- Si i i " , :' - .- UeW ' I I am loath to close. We are not enemies, but frlenda. We muet not be enemies. Though paaalon may have etralned, It muet not break, , our bonda of affection. The mystic chorda of memory, etretchlng from , every battlefield and patrlotlo grave i to every living heart and hearthstone , all over thle broad land, will yet , ewetl the eherte of the Union when , again touched, ae surely they will be, ( by the better anglee of our nature). , First Inancunal Addreaa, March 4. 1M1. ( In regard to the Great Book, I have only to eay that It la the beat gift which God hae given man. All the good from the Saviour of the world le communicated to us through thle book. But for thle book we eould not know right from wrong. All thoee thlnge to men are contained con-tained In It fUralvlna; a Bible from Colored People of lta.lt I more. October, IK4. vi j BBVaaaaiBMBaBaaaiaiaaaaaMeBaaaaiiaaaBBaja ( ' The Importance for man and beset ' of the preacribed weekly reet, the ; eacred rights ef Chrietlaa eeldiere and eailora, a becoming deferenoe 1 to the beet eentlmente ef a Christian people, and a due regard for the 1 Divine will, demand that Sunday 1 labor In the army and navy be re- 1 ' dweed to the meeeure of etrlct ne- ' eeelty. Oeatral OrOera. Noveaiber It, ISO. 1 |