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Show IN AND AROUND DELTA Hi Week's News from the Coming Metropolis II. F. Aller, the depot agent, Inform u that upon his return from bis eastern east-ern trip he has learned that a number num-ber of people paid 2."c or Sue more for their round-trip ticket to Salt Lake than they should have done. The rate was $5.75 and he wishes that all Mho paid more than this would send In their names and he will try and get a refund. On the 27th a ticket other thau a regular card ticket wus also void and he would be glad to learn who bought that. On another page you will notice a handsome cut of the new Free sewing sew-ing machine for which Bishop & Wallace Wal-lace have secured tho agency. It looki llke'a good machine and will stand the closest Inspection and you can get It on very liberal term. Tho firm also carries machine needles and accessories acces-sories for all kinds of sewing machines. ma-chines. Over 900 people took in the California Cali-fornia excursion over the Flt Lake Route last Saturday, and quite a number num-ber of Millard County people took it In. This Is one of the b!gcat and most successful excursions the road ever run. II. F. Aller resumed his duty as sta lion agent on Tuesday. The Delta Friendly Women will meet with Mrs. A'.len on Thursday. The M. I. A. celebrated l.ongfellow'g birthday last Funday by an appropriate appropri-ate program. Ralph Sanford gave an appreciative sketch of the poet's life, followed by tho singing of "The Ilrldgo" by John Avery bishop. Miss Sylvia Turner recited a selection from "Evangeline,' Mis Mamie Patton aang. "The Day Is Done," and Miss Edith Hunker recited TEe Wreck of the Hesperus." The program was greatly enjoyed by all. Rev. Mr. Kennovkian left for Los Angcle on Tuesday. Ho has been severely afflicted with asthma since coming to Delta and hopes that a lower low-er altitude will prove beneficial. He has made many friends during his stay in Delta and he takes with hi m the best wishes of everyone. Ed Dunker finished up the threshing thresh-ing for the se.'iHon and is glad the job Is over. There have been three machine ma-chine at work this season and the Iliiickley machine is finishing up a few Jobs on the north tract. Mr. Hunker estimates that there has been about SOO.Uuu bushels of grain threshed this season. While thl is smaller than the estimate we made last summer the partial failure,! to be attributed to the fact that many of the farmers got their grain in too late and It did not all ripen before frost came and considerable of it rusted. The work of ceiling Marsonl hall is nearly completed and It makes a great Improvement In both the appearance and acoustic qualities of the hall. Tho biggest event of the season was the complimentary dance and supper given In honor of the opening of the Kelly Hotel on Monday evening. The dame was held In Marsonl hall and over 2"0 participated, the large dancing danc-ing floor being crowded nearly to It capacity. Supper was served In the dining room rj the Kelly hotel and the large crowd was well taken care of by the Misses Kelly and their assistants. The occasion was greatly enjoyed by all and here's hoping the Kelly hotel may always be crowded. |