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Show srrangment wits entirely satisfactory satisfac-tory to tlio farmer. We think tlx result last year have shown the farmers that they must get their crops In early and well watered wa-tered If they raise a good harvest. It lias also shown that too much water toward the end of the season In Ha-hle Ha-hle to result In rusting the grain. With the experience the farmer have had the pant year we expect to nee greatly great-ly Improved crops next season. The results everywhere show that there It nothing the matter with thin noil. WATER USERS' ASSOCIATION. James A. Melville and Engibeer Cottrell met the Water I'sers' As 'Kla'lon lest Saturday evening and Liscussed the subject of taking wa ler In turns. There was a Urge attendance at-tendance and the subject was thoroughly thor-oughly threshed out. The plan proposed pro-posed by Mr. Melville in the Chronicle Chron-icle seversl weeks sgo met with gene's gen-e's approval. This was to have the farmers on each lateral select a water wa-ter master to distribute the water, as the farmers needed It. and the company com-pany to have one or more water masters mas-ters to attend the main canals, and see that the laterals were supplied with water aa It was needed. The company srreen to have the water on the land In ample time and to make a liberal allowance for seepage. This |