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Show OBSERVE MONTH OF RAMIDAN Period That la Considered Most Holy by tho Followers of the Prophet Mohammed. It is the boly month of Ramldan in Constantinople. Py reason of the declaration In the Koran "that the number of the months Is twelve 'lunar months), aa it was ordained by Allah." Al-lah." In the course of thirty three years Ramldan makes the entire circuit cir-cuit of the seasons. It was on the 15th of the boly month of Ramldan that the first chapter of the Koran was delivered to men. On that day the sultan goea to the "Chamber of the Sacred Mantle." This mantle was worn by the prophet and on this dsy It and other relics of the prophet are brought out to public view. Other relics are bsnners which once bang before the tent of bis fsvorlte wife Ay est, and th prophet's beard, which Is more potent ia strength thsn the hair of Ssmson. and Invigorates all who may touch it; a tooth which Mohammed had knocked from bis Jaw when struck by a stone from a sling in battle, and a chunk of lime with a footprint in It made by the prophet when be sprang from it to Use back of bis magic steed. Al Porak. "the llcbtnlng" It was upon this fcnlmal that Mohammed visited Jerusalem and the seven heavens from which be obtained important and exclusive inform attoa. |