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Show NEW COMMERCIAL CLUB. Oasis is waking up to the necessity of organizing a Commercial Club to give publicity to the advantages that section has to offer. They are going to organise this week, If possible, and are going to luvlte the neighboring tow ns of Deseret and Hinckley to Join them. As they are all under the same canal system and their Interests are In common, this Is a good Idea. Dy uniting they will have a much stronger strong-er organization and be ablo to accom plltth more. If they elect officers In whom tho people have confidence and who can work In harmony with all the people, the new club will do much good for the community. The Chronicle Chron-icle will be glnd to aid them In any way possible and we want them to keep us posted as to what they are doing. Millard County has splendid opportunities and we want to see all I portions of it developed. I |