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Show COMPENSATION ACT MINED Wednenday ovenlng, Messrs I A. Thatcher and Jenkins, of tho state Industrial commission, met with the membors of the Commercial club aud I business men for the purpose of discussing dis-cussing tho Workmen's Compensation act, to take offect July 1. Mr. Thatcher That-cher explained that as soon as possible pos-sible safoty devices would be ordored Installed In all the places whero there is danger to tho employes. As an argument for tho act, he stated that people did no hosltate to Insures J their houses, machinery and othor K things Incident to tho carrying on of B their business, and why not lnsuro H the human side of tho business which is far more Important. Tho act makes the relationship between tho employ- er and tho employe far moro closer and Is hotter for tho business. |