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Show In the Spring. Lowndes, Mo., April 4tb. Mrs. H, C. Harty of this place, says: "For years I was in very bad health. Every spring I would get so low that I was unable to do my own work. I seemed to be worse In tho spring than any other time of the year. I was very weak and miserable and had much pain In my back and head. I saw Dodd's Kidney Pills advertised last spring and began treatment of them and they have certainly done me more good than anything I have ever used. "I was all right last spring and felt better than I havo for over ten years. I am fifty years of ago and am stronger strong-er to-day than I havo been for many years and I give Dodd's Kidney Pills credit for the wonderful Improvement." Improve-ment." The statement of Mrs. Harty Is only one of a great many where Dodd's Kidney PIUs have proven themselves to be tho very best spring medicine. They are unsurpassed as a tonic and aro tho only medicine used In thousands thou-sands of families. |